Radeons Battlefield Mod

Box art for Radeons Battlefield Mod For: Company of Heroes
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This is a modification for Company Of Heroes. This modification was made because Radeon, the author, couldnt rest in peace seeing that the bodies were disappearing, the combats were so close in distance, or the garand and carbine shooting as a Kar98! Hopefully now the garand shoots as an automatic rifle. This mod is for those who like realism (specially realism) and its designed for instant action.

You don't need to waste time building your base.
*Buildings are free and direct construction. Except the quarter_master that costs 300 manp. The phase upgrades for axis are cheaper now.
*Resources and victory points are faster capturable. As well costs of all units and vehicles changed and waiting time reduced.
*Units have increased sight range, US squads and Volksgrenadier are composed by 9 soldiers. Grenadiers 7. Stormtroopers and Rangers 5. Bazooka Squad 3.
*Greyhound and Puma are still individual.
*Mortars, Machineguns and AT Guns have in total two men for each.
*Tanks were not alone, now every tank has 3 infantry soldiers to defend from hidden bazooka soldiers or other threats
*Motorcycle and Jeep are greater.
*Tanks Speed, armor resistance, turret speed and other things are changed.
*Costs and Time are changed.
*All guns data changed:
-Reloading frequency
-Cooldown times
-Armor penetration (for tanks and AT guns).
-Artillery damage.
*Added an Assault Squad for US. That has Thompson leader, and BAR.
*Added a Scout with high sight. Useful for mortars, artillery, planes, far objectives, buildings, etc.
*Added a Grenadier Heavy Squad with Light MG42 and MP44 SubMG.
*Added Bazooka Squad for both teams.
*Dead bodies and broken vehicles stay longer (not forever though).
*All Vehicles now have a gunner included.
*Pioneers and engineers have sattle charges.
*All weapons have increased shooting range. Some of them as mortar, can reach further that what can they see. So you need to use the scout. to spot objectives in far places.
*Sniper haven't got the camouflage. The scout does*.
*Grenades for US are in Quarter building.
*Pioneers and Engineers are directly built.
*Many more things that don't come to mind yet.
*All units have limits.
*AI Tweaked.
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