Realistic Flashlight for Clearsky (1.0), download Realistic Flashlight for Clearsky (1.0) free, free Realistic Flashlight for Clearsky (1.0) mod download, free download of Realistic Flashlight for Clearsky (1.0) mod for STALKER: Clear Sky, STALKER: Clear Sky free mod Realistic Flashlight for Clearsky (1.0) download, download for free Realistic Flashlight for Clearsky (1.0) STALKER: Clear Sky, free download full mod Realistic Flashlight for Clearsky (1.0), direct download link Realistic Flashlight for Clearsky (1.0), download Realistic Flashlight for Clearsky (1.0) modification
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Description Realistic flashlight For Clear sky 1.0 by Ka-Oz
(works for all patch versions)
one thing was realy annoying me with the flashlight, it was acting like a 200 watt halogen spot...
so i tried to remove that imppression by making it a bit less wh