RoflBox v0.31 Full Installer

Box art for RoflBox v0.31 Full Installer For: Battlefield 2
Size: 228.04 MB
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RoflBox is a mod deviated from the popular Sandbox Mod made by the Sir. Community.

The Mod is based around having fun, with things like a submarine dump truck, a flying tank, a flame shooting gun, and for admins a nuke. While there is really many more little features included its really more fun to find alot of these things out for yourself.

Admins for servers have a lot more control than normal. If a player attempts to spam the server they can be jailed or permanently jailed. Jailing is where an admin sets a jail coordinates (within a box) by typing %setjail while standing on the location and then types %jail playername to send that player there. Jail also makes it so the jailed player cannot respawn anywhere except in the jail, cannot spawn anything, and connot use any commands such as the %ju command that causes you to jump.

More is planned in the 0.4 patch coming in a month or so. 0.4 plans to include a portal gun where each player can shoot 2 portal ends to 2 locations and teleport between them. Also, we are building a new gamemode. it will be built upon fortwars rules, but with some new ones. Construction kit will have no weapons and cannot take the flags. Commander will be able to move the flag once into their fort once their fort is built. Also each commander will be given a nuke that can be fired every 10 minutes. The nuke will kill anyone in a 300meter radius and we hope it will make the fortwars experience more interesting than ever.

Hope you enjoy our little mod!
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