Rommies server-side application

Box art for Rommies server-side application For: Aliens vs Predator 2
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Rommie's server-side mod v1.2.9
mod release date: 11.04.2007

readme file content:

● news in mod (v1.2.9)
● functions
● commands
● Rommie_Settings.TXT
● about...
install: copy ALL files from this archive to MAIN AvP2 directory of your server (where is AvP2Serv.EXE) , change settings in Rommie_Settings.TXT and RUN server.

News In Mod (v1.2.9)

* Removed AntiSony code.. because i'm a clever person and i am being on top againist this fucker.
if you like BAN this noob on your servers uses integrated IP log and ban utillity by Bunny-s
or ban ip range of this gay in your fire wall.
IP range of Sony is:

* added setting UseJoinerAlert for ON / OFF this function.
if you set 1 (ON), the server sends the message with 20-25 seconds earlier by the time player is joining to map
your message (defined on Rommie_Settings.txt)
If you set 0 (OFF)'the server will not send this message.

* SCH command rebuilded, I now have DISABLED use sch command for switch players
to NON standart AVP2 multiplayer game species.
Because several admins presume on this.

* added command "forceff":
force activate friendly fire in game (WITHOUT map restart!)

* NameChangeLog file - if player is changing his name,the server will create a NameChangeLog.txt file and log all the name's changes.

* AdminLog - ALL admin commands are being logged.

* Server command for lock and unlock server CHANGED! now is LS psw = LOCK server and only LS = unlock server !)

* Server NOW shows IDs in name in GAMEQUERRY, in format ID~NICK

* Server NOW shows in GAMEQUERRY your actual score

* Added option to setting file DisableNameChange= if you set =1 command are blocked.
this option possible activate or deactivate in game with command nch

* Added "permanentmelee" option in Rommie_Settings, this is created for MELEE servers :)
if you activate this option, server automaticialy run with MELEE mode.

* Added MOTD timer, in Rommie_Settings you have messagefrequency= after = you add time in MINUTES..
4example messagefrequency=9 -> server show ALL 5 LINES OF MOTD in one time EVERY 9 minutes +-
messagefrequency=5 every 5 minutes +-
I advice you time 7-8 minutes.. smaller time interval MAYBE call LAGS!
if you set messagefrequency=0 MOTD is INACTiVE.

* Added AutoIPBANhackers option, to Rommie_Settings.txt. this option add possiblity automaticialy IPBAN:
.** warning this function IS NOT WORK ! Only if you use special version of
NachtWind's dedicated server! (released i hope after several days,
ask in forum Server-side mods) **

*Added TieredAdmin system , 3 different admin levels with access provilegies in setting file.
-- 3LvL admin system --

server now have 3 full customizable admin levels,

level 1 - user with different password and with commands in Rommie_Settings.TXT xxx=1

level 2 - user with different password and with command of level 1 + in rommie_settings.txt xxx=2

level 3 - main admin (password seted up in your server config file) access to ALL commands.

command for take server controll is SC only... server automaticialy detectiong is password is LVL 1.2. or 3
for all admin levels are DEAFULT set commands: nl, pl, rl, relsc, sc, sinfo, afk and pcm (see to command list)

* several more little fixes, added, 4example afk put you to observe mode.. and send to chat message about you join to AFK mode, and
if you use this command again server automaticialy respawn you. and other little repairs.

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