Scouring of the Shire Beta

Box art for Scouring of the Shire Beta For: Battle for Middle Earth
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Scouring of the Shire is a Modification for EA's wonderfull game the Battle for Middle Earth�"�. It was an idea originally developed by LadyRhiea, wich no longer claims the title of Mod Leader, nor member. The mod is adding a new playable faction into the game, the Hobbits. Many may wonder if these are worthy warriors, or even worthy a place in BFME, well, they are. Who saved the Free People's of Middle Earth from sertain death? A hobbit. Who were 50% slaying the Witch King of Angmar? A Hobbit. Who Saved the suppose-to-be-new Steward of Gondor? A Hobbit. Who saved the ringbearer from sertain spider food? A hobbit... See my point? Hobbits are fighting the forces of Evil, once and for all!

The mod is based on the destuction of the Ring, and the journey home, for Meriadoc, Peregrin, Samwise and Frodo. If you've read the book, you might know that one off the last chapters in it is named Scouring of the Shire, and if you've only seen the movies, then there is no such thing. A short brief: Scoring of the Shire tells about what Sharkey (Saruman) did after he managed to lure Threebeard, to let him go out of his tower. Yes, he's actually not dead. Then Sharkey and Grima gathers some wildmen and attacks the Shire. They mange to get the control real fast, and the hobbits did little resistance. When the four travellers return home, after a long journey, they find the Shire in ruins. They quicly manages to assemble and army of hobbits and attacks the wildmen! They eventually win, and later they meet Sharkey and Grima in the Bag End, Frodo's house. What happend? "Grima slit Sharkey's throat, then got pwned by the hobbit archers as he fled."

This mod basically adds in a whole new hobbit faction into the game.

The mod adds in Heroes:

Frodo, Samwise, Merry and Pippin

The mod also adds in hobbit units:

Hobbit Militia, Hobbit Fighters, Hobbit Archers, Hobbit Cavalry, Hobbit Rocket.
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