Ships Systems Wave Jammer

Box art for Ships Systems Wave Jammer For: Star Trek: Armada 2
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In my opinion this is unusually creative. (you don\'t see to many sensible special weapons!) Built from the Romulan\'s Sensor Jammer this is a series of new weapons with a range of effects. As I play online erm... extensivly I probably appreciate this more than people who don\'t use the specials at all.

Basicially, specials are the skilled part of the game and they let a skilled person tip a situation from a hopeless loss to a win. A quick example would be a borg Tactical Fusion Cube entering your base. Even with a fleet of galaxys it could wipe you out, but by using the Sensor Jammer you can take the sensors out so it can\'t see you. It could keep heading towards whatever is shooting at it until it gets so close it can shoot, unless you burn the engines out with a Steamrunner\'s engine overload. At this point, what on paper is totally overwhealming becomes totally harmless as it can\'t see you to shoot at you and it can\'t charge you to get in range or run away to save itself.

What might seem like a couple of simple weapons can add a entire new dimension to A2.
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