Sins of a Solar Empire - Future Wars - tactical simulator

Box art for Sins of a Solar Empire - Future Wars - tactical simulator For: Sins of a Solar Empire
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Dear friends of the Sins of a Solar Empire - Future Wars - Tactical Simulator!

The waiting has an end!

As promised the second alpha contains:

- complete romulan race (ships, stations, techtree, etc.)
- the first two races (Federation and Klingon)
- Fixed bugs of the first alpha
- some new small changes which were requested
- reworked interface

We are looking for a feedback as good as our first alpha version!
As always we are open for constructive criticism.
Enclosed at this point a big thank you from the whole team, to our hardworking testers out there!

Mod version: original SINS Version 1.13 - 1.17

(Language is german)

Mod version a0.2 is an stand alone alpha - you don't need to install the version a0.1.

Feedback or Bugs report:

[link=]Bugs and Feedback[/link]

Thank you for your help!

Have fun! F.L.A.M. modding team!

Drako - F.L.A.M. Modding Team
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