Slightly Better Strings

Box art for Slightly Better Strings For: Star Trek: Armada 2
Size: 620 KB
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This mod is a slightly altered version of the the Dynamic Localized Strings header file which contains all the "on-screen tool tips" and mission text in Armada 2. This mod changes the tooltips to contain better information on the ship which is moused over. Also included in this mod is a rework of the heroship's odf which simply gives all the heroship's a shipname (Martok's Negh'Var is called the "IKS Honour's Burden" although not a very Klingon name (I would have called it "Spoonhead cruncher" :p). The Borg Queen's diamond is known as "Command Node 001 Alpha" which is quite borgish :borg:

This is a small mod, but a worthy one if you like the changes.. Good scripting work ;)

[b]- IKS[/b]
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