
Box art for SquidFrame For: World of Warcraft
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SquidFrame is an addon that lets you change your standard WoW Player Frame by allowing you to easily type /squidframe to go to a settings window where you can select one of the [B]12[/B] frames and change the standard frame to one of those. You can use an option/alt click command to drag the frame wherever you like; and it has a 3D portrait just for fun.

[i]"It just makes WoW prettier"[/i] - SAM (creator of [URL="http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info8659-SquidMod.htm"]SquidMod[/URL])

• None [I]- WoW Player Frame[/I]
• Rare [I]- Rare Mob Frame[/I]
• Elite [I]- Elite Mob Frame[/I]
• RareElite [I]- Rare Elite Mob Frame[/I]
• Rare (Pixel) [I]- Pixel Frame[/I]
• Elite (Pixel) [I]- Pixel Frame[/I]
• BlizzCon '07 1 [I]- GreatSword Frame (BlizzCon '07)[/I]
• BlizzCon '07 2 [I]- LongSword Frame (BlizzCon '07)[/I]
• Deathknight1 [I]- Class Frame[/I]
• Deathknight2 [I]- Class Frame[/I]
• Rogue1 [I]- Class Frame[/I]
• Squid [I]- Default "Squid" Frame[/I]

[B]Note From the Authors:[/B]

[url=http://wow.curse.com/members/whizque.aspx]Whizque[/url] (Former Author)
I first started with [URL="http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/class-player-frame.aspx"]Class Player Frame[/URL] which didn't have the option to change the player frame in-game and I didn't know how to do that :( But then I remember about [URL="http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info8659-SquidMod.htm"]SquidMod[/URL] (I always loved this addon since SAM first started it) now maintained by [URL="http://www.wowinterface.com/forums/member.php?action=getinfo&userid=58047"]Ganders[/URL], instead of the gryphon (on the actionbar) I want to change player frame, so it's pretty much the same useless addon :P

[url=http://wow.curse.com/members/Skorr.aspx]Skórr[/url] (Author v1.5 and up)
It no longer uses the /squif command to change the frame, (though I might put it back in) it now has an in game menu when you type /squidframe. Version 1.5 is a little unfinished and there are little things such as there not being a Rogue 2 but 1.8 is coming out soon and I hope the wait for 1.5 was well worth it. The only thing to watch out for is a window that will pop up and say Lua Error if this occurs exit out of the window and report it in the comments, I thought I fixed it but it still might happen. Also if you want an addon just for the elite frames by all meens get [URL="http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/e-frame.aspx"]EliteFrame[/URL]

1.1 uses most of the codes from SquidMod by Ganders for it to work but 1.5 changes it a lot but some of the credit still goes to him. I hope you enjoy 1.5. If you would like to know about new things for 1.8 or have sugestions PM me.

[B]Your Opinion:[/B]

I was wondering... there are two very difficult things Im working on and one simple thing and I was wondering which one is the most important to you, the first might be more difficult and will take longer, the second should be easier and will not take as long, the third i'm always working on, but I could be working harder on that if thats what you want... here they are.

1. I'm working on a custom frame where like [URL="http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/ag_unitframes.aspx"]ag_UnitFrames[/URL] or [URL="http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/shadowed-unit-frames.aspx"]Shadowed Unit Frames[/URL] you can customize your own unitframe!
2. Number two is when you change your unit frames it would also change the style of the nameplate so they match with the same design/style.
3. And the last one is the obvious... more frames

Please reply by going to SquidFrames development site [URL='http://wow.curseforge.com/addons/squidframe/']HERE[/URL] then you go to the upper right hand side where there will be a poll named "Which is the Most Important?" then select the one that you think is more important, or reply in the comments ty!
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