Star Trek: Armada (A1) Discovery beta

Box art for Star Trek: Armada (A1) Discovery beta For: Star Trek: Armada
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this is the first release of the Discovery mod. this mod takes place during the years after Star Trek: Nemesis, and follows the crew of the USS Discovery, a Daystrom (Excelsior-II) class vessel. The mod replaces the borg with the remans, who have begun a war on the federation and it's allies. the romulan empire is in ruins, and now the federation and the klingon empire must band together with what is left of the romulans to defeat this threat. This beta gives a fairly good feel of how the mod was intended to be, minus the fact that the remans use mostly borg stations. it is unlikely that this mod will see completion in armada 1, as i have begun a2 modding, but i've had this installer on my hard drive for a while, so i decided to release it. the weapons textures are mostly ported from legacy, so they're pretty good, and they are actually the pride of this mod, i think, in addition to some of the extra new weapons such as the polarized phasers and phasic torpedoes, and a red klingon phaser like in Way of the Warrior. i put a lot into this mod, and i may see it's way through to a2 sometime. if you're looking for a good post-nemesis a1 mod while waiting for future tense, i think i've provided a good option here.

i look forward to releasing something like this for a2!
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