Star Wars: Republic Commando TeamXtreme WarPack v.10

Box art for Star Wars: Republic Commando TeamXtreme WarPack v.10 For: Star Wars: Republic Commando
Size: 1.19 GB
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The WarPack is a mod-series published under the name of TeamXtreme for the game Star Wars Republic Commando. It started in 2010 and the latest version was released in March 2016 - the WarPack 10. Beginning as a simple mappack back then, it is now a full mod that adds various new content to the game. Read the description for more information.
� Various Admin commands added to the game
� Stats tracking system: Your personal stats will be saved on the server and can be accessed either ingame or using our additional stats tool
� Anti cheat system (centerview, behindview, overlapping nades and others can be permanently disabled by the server administrator)
� Headshot and assist counters were added to the scoreboard, check out your teamplay and aiming skill - backed up by numbers!
� A grenade spam counter was enabled as well, it broadcasts any occuring spam to all players on the server. Now you can also blame your enemies for their excessive grenade abuse, again, backed up by numbers! :)
� 12 new game modes are included (detailed descriptions further below)
� High resolution textures used for retail content of the game
� 250 maps are included, dozens of them are new compared to WP8.2 or WP9 (and except for a very few maps they work on all new and classic game modes)
� Completely new weapons were created (Burst Gun, Shock Rifle, Tazer, E11 and E17 Blasters, Bow, Storm Rifle)
� We also added the (probably first ever) destructible Republic Commando Multiplayer map: TX_WP_DStamper -> almost every environment object/static mesh on this map can be destroyed by players
� Smoke, flash, stun grenades and a mine were created. The smoke nade is set as default inventory in all WP game modes.
� New projectiles and kill messages (optional)
� New teams have been created, chose to join either the Empire or Rebel Alliances instead of the vanilla teams Republic and Trandoshan. However if you are looking into competetive mode with the same hitboxes and characters, we added a Republic vs Republic option (seperated by Red and Blue colors, including an updated HUD and scoreboard)
� New (hilarious) ingame voice commands
� Weapon Highlighting added to make new weapons visible on the map, dropped weapons by killed players are not highlighted (optional)
� A WarPack Updater has been created that, once the basic mod was installed, update the mod whenever necessary. Includes a detailed changelog.
� Votemap feature to allow a democratic map choice to be made. If even that doesn't help, either browse the server's map folder -ingame!- or let the server randomly choose a map. It's all up to you.�
� Custom loading screens for WP maps added.

� and a lot more!

Game Modes

� Carry: Only one flag available on the map, the first team to hold it for 200 seconds (can be interrupted) wins.
� Elite: A flag is randomly spawning across the map, the team that manages to hold it for 15 seconds straight will gain 1 point, dropping the flag will reset the time. First to 10 wins.
� Crystal: Dying players are dropping Crystals, the enemies have to pick them up and return them to their base. A grenadekill drops 1 Crystal, a regular kill 2 and a headshot even drops a 3 point Crystal! Friendly players can rescue their fallen teammates Crystals, but they don't gain points from them.
� Place the bomb: Round based gamemode, a team has to place a bomb in the enemy base and defend it until it goes off. Watch out that the defenders don't disable it!
� CS Mode: Round based Teamdeathmatch, each player has one life per round. The surviving team gets a point. Also includes an adjusted HUD and spectator mode for the fallen teammates, who will now receive POV from their surviving teammates until the round is over.
� Flashpoint: Two rounds are being played and each team has to carry their flag into the enemy base as often as they can, within 90 seconds. However holding the flag will stop the time from decreasing, so be as effective as you can and use your time wisely.
� Last Man Standing: Round based deathmatch, only the the survivor gains a point.
� Energy: You lose 2% health per scond and only a kill will be able to heal you. Watch out that you don't run out of time!
� Hunt: Each kill increases your maximum health (which is equal to your current score), however your death will decrease your score and health as well. Player with lower points might have to team up and hunt the top player. First to 500 wins.
� Run the flag: Solve multiple obstacles to score the flag, creativity is required and you don't actualy need to kill your opponent (or even can). However this is a team based mode and you will want to beat the enemy.
� Assault the flag: Reverted CTF spawns do increase the intensity of a match.
� Classes: Basically CTF mode but each player has to chose one loadout/class that they are using for the match, it can be switched but only a certain amount per class is allowed on each team. This mode scales depending on the amount of players on the server.

How to install and use
Step 1: Download the ZIP file
Step 2: Extract into the SWRC/GAMEDATA directory (like C:\Program Files\Lucas Arts\Star Wars Republic Commando\GameData)
Step 3: Run the Update.exe from Gamedata just to make sure you don't miss out on the latest improvements.
Step 4: Now you are ready to go, join either WarPack servers or any other game.

Check out if our server is free: Select IP join and enter
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