Starforce Productions Praex

Box art for Starforce Productions Praex For: Star Trek: Bridge Commander
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Here is the Preax, a faily small Romulan Escort vessel from the TMP era. The Preax is an older model light romulan attack vessel. It's design is closer to the older style bop, with a cruved hull and swooping wings with engines on their ends and a feather pattern painted on the bottom.

This ship is armed with two forward and two aft disruptors as well as one torpedo launcher both forward and aft. This ship is almost equally armed whether its facing forward or backwards and would be perfect against either small freighters or against larger targets such as battlecruisers when in groups. This ship would also be perfect for escort missions due to its size, manuverability and speed. The Preax would do well against smaller ships including perhaps a Dominion attack ship or something like a Miranda Class or something similar in size, although anything bigger and it would struggle.

For fun try this ship against something like a Centaur or similar.
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