Svencoop: Optional Mission Mappack

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This is the SC_Optional Mappack for Sven Co-op 3.0.
Includes: sc_another, sc_graysnake, extended, extention, hostage, toonrun, stadium, and many others.

*Extended Resistance*
+16 hours after the infamous Black Mesa incedent.
To start off, there were tons of assassins, male and female, streaming and summersaulting everywhere. Got rid of them, and found a mini-turret that couldnt aim very well. I just crouched and it didn't hit me once! I did see the gunfire, so it wasn't like it had an obstruction in the way. Next room, there was a fight between alien slaves and *more* assassins, then you hear this alien sound and can't figure out where its coming from. Untill, of course, you respawn... Shock Trooper (electric alien thing) up above and behind you. I didn't like the stairs, though. They weren't all even, you had to jump on some, instead of "gliding" up them.

Gave me an "empty ambient" error and quit.

Came into a big courtyard with plenty of marines for a while of play, and immediately I BLEW UP without cause, and got a fatal error: "level design error". I thought "Too true" ;) Hmmm... Next map.

*Don't remember the name*
I started out behind a gate, and my faithful torch-dude working on it. He got it open, and I went through. They (torch-dude and soldier) didn't follow :( So much for faithful :lol: It says my objective is to get into the complex. Hmmmmm, this is a hard one. Maybe I should go to the BIG RED TARGET?!? Yes, once you get there some explosives appear and barely give you a chance to escape. I went inside and...whoah! *I guess you'll have to download this for yourself to find out what the "whoah!" is...*

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