thanksgiving mod

Box art for thanksgiving mod For: Medal of Honor
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Ok, I think this may be the first Thanksgivng style Anyway Soup came to me with the idea and we put together this Thanksgiving Mod. It is clientside. Come shoot some turkeys and see what its all about. We are running modded versions on TRS and OTD servers.

Thanksgiving Mod

mod includes:
Turkey bazookas, roast turkey rockets and bombs, turkey drumstick nades, indian corn nades, throwing axes, stovetop stuffing and oceanspray cranberry sauce mines,
pumpkin pie health, attack turkeys, flying turkeys, and boom turkeys.

Get Pilgrim and Indian skins in the file/skins section!!

Happy Thanksgiving from The Rog Squad!!
Thanks to Soup from OTD with mod and Porky for the Banner.
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