The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Game Of Thrones Adaptation v.4.3

Box art for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Game Of Thrones Adaptation v.4.3 For: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Game Of Thrones Adaptation v.4.3, download The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Game Of Thrones Adaptation v.4.3 free, free The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Game Of Thrones Adaptation v.4.3 mod download, free download of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Game Of Thrones Adaptation v.4.3 mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim free mod The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Game Of Thrones Adaptation v.4.3 download, download for free The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Game Of Thrones Adaptation v.4.3 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, free download full mod The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Game Of Thrones Adaptation v.4.3, direct download link The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Game Of Thrones Adaptation v.4.3, download The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Game Of Thrones Adaptation v.4.3 modification
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The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros are in turmoil. King Robert Baratheon is dead, and the realm trembles under the weight of war and chaos.
By rights, the Iron Throne should have passed to Robert's son and heir Prince Joffrey Baratheon, a claim that Robert's widow and Joffrey's mother Queen Cersei Lannister is keen to see secured. And with her support comes the might and gold of House Lannister, led by the stern and determined Lord Tywin of Casterly Rock.
However, all is not as it seems. Investigations carried out by the Hand of the King Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell, prior to Robert's death have revealed that the Prince Joffrey is not the son of Robert Baratheon, but rather the spawn of an incestuous affair between Queen Cersei and her twin brother Jaime Lannister - known far and wide as the Kingslayer. Armed with this knowledge, Lord Eddard attempted to secure the throne for Robert's legal heir, his brother Stannis Baratheon of Dragonstone. His attempt resulted in his capture and sentencing to death.
Joffrey and Stannis are not the only Baratheons with a claim to the Iron Throne, however. The younger Baratheon brother, Renly of Storm's End, moved swiftly in the aftermath of Robert's death. Allying himself with House Tyrell and rallying his levies in the Stormlands, Renly marched on the capital of King's Landing with a host that dwarfed anything Joffrey could muster. Forced to flee the city or die, Joffrey, his mother and most of his court fled to Casterly Rock and the protection of Lord Tywin. Renly took the Iron Throne, though how long his reign will last remains to be seen.
Spared death at the headsman's block by the appearance of a black dragon, Lord Eddard returns to Winterfell, his seat in the North. However, honour-bound to follow the law and seat Robert's true heir on the throne, he has declared his support for Renly's older brother Stannis Baratheon. Stannis himself broods on Dragonstone, marshalling his support and demanding his younger brother yield the throne to him.
With the Starks making common cause with Dragonstone, the Lannisters marshalling behind Joffrey in the West and the ever-opportunistic Ironborn raiding along the Stony Shore, Renly's position on the Iron Throne seems increasingly precarious. Even now, his once-staunch allies House Tyrell begin to look towards a potential alliance with Casterly Rock, should things go ill in King's Landing. The realm is splintered.
And now the dragons have returned...

- Westeros comes to Skyrim! The cities and castles have been changed into their Westerosi counterparts, all relative to Winterfell (formerly Windhelm). If one tilts their map so that Winterfell is at the North, you will see that Casterly Rock, the Vale, King's Landing and all the rest align approximately with their real geographical locations in the books/show. Entirely new locations have also been added; visit the Wall towering over Castle Black, or journey to the isolated island of Dragonstone, where the night is dark and full of terrors.
- Armours galore! Scores of new armours and outfits have been added to the game, many of them unique sets worn only by certain characters. The sigils of Westerosi houses great and small adorn these new armours, from the direwolf of House Stark to the red stallion of House Bracken and the cunning fox of House Florent. See below for a full list of Houses represented in the mod.
- Companions! From Arya Stark, to Tyrion Lannister, to Daenerys Stormborn, there are scores of companions for you to choose to take with your in your adventures across Westeros. See below for a full list of companions in the mod and where to find them.
- Dialogue conversion! Though not voice-acted, all dialogue text in the vanilla game has been converted to a Westeros context. Changes in the story have also been given a Game of Thrones flavour; e.g. Ser Barristan the Bold will speak of his history in the Kingsguard, Davos Seaworth declares why he owes Stannis Baratheon everything, and so on.
- The text conversion also extends to quest objectives, names and even items - for example, remember those Thalmor dossiers in the Embassy quest? Well now they're reports written by none other than Varys, the Master of Whisperers.
- The Civil War is now the War Of The Five Kings; in an altered story specially designed to fit with the Skyrim gameplay, you can now choose where to side with House Stark or House Lannister in the fight for the Iron Throne. Which of Robert's brothers will you help? Where do the Tyrells sit in all this? What will you do when you finally meet the loathsome King Joffrey?
- In addition to the new armours, banners and decorations also adorn the land of Westeros. In the newly-decorated Red Keep sits the Iron Throne - but who will you help ascend to that mighty seat?
- This is just a taste of what is in the mod; from Dothraki khalasars to White Walkers, this mod attempts to bring the world of ASOIAF to your computer screens..
To install:
This project requires Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE), ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer.and ApachiiSkyHair
Install it using Nexus Mod Manager
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3 comments. Comment to join in the discussion.
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2019-01-31 19:43:16 comment#109
Not corrupt, but cant instal on Skyrim Special Edicion
2019-01-31 18:16:30 comment#108
File corrupt
2019-01-31 18:15:57 comment#107
File corrupt
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