The Hull Breach Mod

Box art for The Hull Breach Mod For: Empire at War
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This is Version 2 of the Hull Breach Mod

The Mod Makes the Following Changes to Forces of Corruption, its a large mod making a number of Gameplay changes.

Its well worth the Download :rock:


Changes to normal FoC:
X-Wing shield strength increased to 30.
Buzz Droids can no longer damage frigates and corvettes and it's recharge time has been doubled.
VSD and Alliance Assault Frigate's weapon's armor and firepower increased by 50% (except the VSD's hanger which remains the same).
StarViper speed reduced from 5.8 to 4.5 (I mean seriously, the Virago which is better then the StarViper in everything is slower then the X-Wing!)
Bossk's Concussion Missile's strength reduced to 16 from 25 (to a fighter held Con-Missile as it should be. Lemme also tell you, a Proton Torpedo has 20 strength and the Acclamator's slower Con-Missile has 18 strength. Overpowered wasn't it?)
TIE Defender and A-Wing speeds increased to 5.8 and 5.5 respectively.
All fighters and bombers can now be built at level 1 space stations (except the TIE Phantom which needs a level 2 station.)
TIE Defender's Proton Torpedo Launchers have been removed (the Assault Gunboat will take the role of fighter/bomber as it is in real Star Wars.)
TIE Defender's Shielding and Armor both reduced to 60 (from 70 and 100 respectively).
TIE Defender's squad size increased to 5 and cost reduced to 500 (from 750).
Improved the green Turbolaser projectile.
Bomber-held Proton Torpedo damage reduced to 18.
All of the Consortium's units except Grenadiers, Merc Squads, Droidekas, StarVipers, Skiprays, Crusaders and Interceptor IVs have been limited 5 and Defilers are removed (from Skirmish too as I couldn't find the code line to disable it in GC) so the Con's will be the pirates they should be. (Note: This doesn't include spawn and starting units. As well due to EaW's unit limit coding, Skirmish is also affected. Not like you'd play as the Cons in the Mod anyways.)
Underworld Palace's cost reduced to 1000 for balance.
Time between spawned squadrons for frigates reduced to 3 and SSD to 6.

Ships coded in:
Modified and Old Vulture Droids and Tri-Fighters, Eta-2, Delta-7, Assault Gunboat, K-Wing, Scimitar Assault Bomber, V-19 Torrent, Lucrehulk and Venator Star Destroyer (and no, it isn't one of those overpowered ones).

Changes from V1:
I think I changed the HB's fighter compliment a bit but w/e.
XM-1 and Assault Gunboat sounds added.
Modified Tri-Fighters nerfed a bit.
Delta-7's health reduced to 20 (I did plan to do this orgionally but forgot to do so for some reason).
Eta-2's overpowered lasers fixed.
And other minor things changed.

Bug fixes from V1:
Icon size issues fixed.
Lure ability issues fixed.
K-Wing land bombing run issues fixed.
Issue when a TIE Bomber/Y-Wing would bomb versus the Scimitar Bomber/K-Wing fixed.
And other bugs fixed.

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