T&Ns bfme 2.5

Box art for T&Ns bfme 2.5 For: Battle for Middle Earth 2
Size: 3.26 MB
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This is an excellent mod for BFME2 (not ROTWK) that adds more units and buildings to the game, leading to more interesting gameplay.


new building, the ranger tent
dunedain rangers available from ranger tent
ithilien rangers available from ranger tent
sam available
merry available
pippin available
frodo available
hobbit sheriffs available from barracks
dunedain rangers made more powerful

Aragorn Available
legolas Available
Tom Bombadil

Galadriel available without the ring
Celeborn available
Glorfindel given faramirs leadership and more powerful
Gwaihir, the eagle hero has been added

Sauron available without the ring
isengards walls available

Wild men available
saruman more powerful

new building, the dragon lair
Balrog made a hero
fire drakes buildable from dragon lair
dragons buildable from dragon lair
isengards walls available

other changes
The 3rd age
The 3rd age is a wotr mode, all territories belong to who they did during the war of the ring.

Have fun with this mod!

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