Unofficial RotWK 2.02c Balance Patch

Box art for Unofficial RotWK 2.02c Balance Patch For: Battle for Middle Earth 2
Size: 4.95 MB
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This is the unofficial 2.02 patch which is now in its third stage. There is going to be a 2.02d just to iron out the bugs that have been made by the 2.02c changing from the 2.02b. Gamereplays staff have worked tirelessly on this patch to play a balanced RotWK that EA let us down on, they aren't complete though, the patch will take a long time to work out in terms of perfect balance and to find perfect balance is like knowing what happens in life after death :p

So download the mod, it's very small with a lot of changes. Please note you must have this patch in order to play Clanwars for Rise of the Witchking! It has a nifty interface after you install and your starting up RotWK. Always start RotWK with the new u2.02c launcher (please note it's not a crack, we nor do Gamereplays support this!), with this new launcher you can start the game in u2.02c or without the patch so normal 2.01 with just a check or uncheck of a box. You can even choose some new lobby music instead of the old evil music which just repeats itself over and over again!

Go to this page if you want to download another language pack for this mod (it includes Spanish and Italian):

Here is what Spoony ( Admin) had to say on why play 2.02 instead of 2.01?

[quote]As we all know, balance and bugs have always been a severe problem in Rise of the Witch-King. The game did bring new, exciting units into the BfME2 fold - but in many cases, poor balance and innumerable bugs have rendered them too powerful or not powerful enough: most of the mini-heroes, some of Angmar's spells, and the new elite infantry, to name but a few. It's also rather sad that we have had to make rules in the ClanWars league limiting the use of Battlewagons, Fell Wind, Lindon Horse Archers, and Warg Sentries in order to prevent exploits.

The 5+ Player lobby name has now changed to RotWK 2.02 lobby, so if you are on the patch you will find other players playing the patch there!

2.02 is quite simple in its design - make underused aspects of the game better. In 2.02, there is no such thing as a "useless" or "overpowered" unit. The few overpowered units, such as Boromir and Mirkwood Archers, have been toned down slightly, while the many underpowered units, such as Sharku, Faramir, and Dark Numenorians, to name but a few, are now stronger. Other underused aspects of the game, like Banner Carriers and Heroic Statues, have also been improved.

In addition, very many bugs have been fixed, including Lindon Horse Archers' trample, the Carnage and Deadshot exploits, Half-Troll Swordsmen attack speed, persistent Rohan Spearmen, most "glitch" Create-a-Heroes, catapult Bombard accuracy, and many many more![/quote]
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