Vorcha Variants

Box art for Vorcha Variants For: Star Trek: Armada 2
Size: 153.88 KB
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From the Mail:[quote]I\'m Chiletrek (but you already know that :p ). This file contains new models made to replace my original Vor\'Cha variants. The reason I made this is that when I made the original mod, some ugly errors were present in the models, so now that I have some more experience with milkshape I was able to correct them. The original mod is necessary for this mod to work ingame.

There is no need for new ODFs or texture files, they use the same ones that the original mod

I don\'t like patches, but i fell that my models are coller now, and more friendly for low-power PCs bacause they have less polygons. Bacuase of the LODs, I erased the one that made my ships look bad and the polycount reduced vastly. The ships will not look bad bacause of this, they look better now. I hope you like these improved models.[/quote]And from looking at the screenshots provided, you can see the significant changes (which in my opinion) make the release worthy ;)

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