World in Conflict First Strike v.103

Box art for World in Conflict First Strike v.103 For: World in Conflict
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The overall intent of this mod is to create a much more visceral and steady feel to the combat in WIC. This mod also attempts to make units mimic their real life combat performance. Overall the pace of the game is going to be slowed down, but combat is viciously quick, making planning and terrain usage much more important.

Overall combat changes implemented so far:
-most units have had their LOS increased
-most vehicles have higher top speeds, but lower acceleration
-most helicopters have higher top speed and higher acceleration, and higher flight heights
-all units have had firing range increased greatly
-all units have had armor and hp rescaled to accurately reflect real life statistics and performance
-infantry are very vulnerable when spotted, especially in the open
-all units have had weapon damage, accuracy, and penetration rescaled to accurately reflect real life performance
-specialized units now require more micro-management, but are much more powerful
-most units can shoot beyond their own sight distance (ie they need spotters)
-most unit costs have been increased greatly
-units are much less accurate when moving

Units added and/or changed significantly in the game:
-Added a spotter to the Sniper, and the ability to call and airstrike
-Infantry squads now have 10 members
-Added an M60 MG team
-Added a DRAGON team
-Added the AH-6C Kiowa as a light attack chopper
-Added Coax to appropriate vehicles
-Added RAMBO as a bonus TA (for shits and giggles)

-Added spotter to Sniper
-infantry now have 10 members
-Added a PKM team
-Swapped the Hind and the Mi-28 as heavy and medium attack chopper
-Hind has ability to carry infantry
-Added Coax to appropriate vehicles
-Added Super Heavy Artillery Barrage as a bonus TA (203mm cannons)



Additional changes:
-updated information in the gui about certain units to be more descriptive
-Completely redid most weapon sounds (Taken from several games, however most credit is due to the gents over at BSS, as they made awesome sounds for Project Reality 0.708)
-Some TA has been modified
-fixed several glitches in the game
-changed obedient infantry ai to use only infantry unit
AI Note: The ai isn't very good at handling the long range engagements, and tends to not fire, but just run back and forth. I am researching what is possible to do about this. Also their unit selection seems to not utilize the full list of units given to them (especially in 1.009). This mod works best in 1.008 as the ai has the least issues.

Player Note: Some units require you(the player) to individually assign targets for them to attack. They will never auto-engage (ie US sniper, Dragon team). Others will only auto engage targets, and can't be told to attack them (ie helicopters against tanks).

To install
In your WorldinCoflict/mods folder create a new folder named First_Strike_v.103. Then extract the mod files into that folder.
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