z3r0xs FoC Addon

Box art for z3r0xs FoC Addon For: Empire at War
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Developed from a Number of Sources and Teams this mod brings together into a single Mod many new units, planets and Heros to the Forces of Corruption Game.

It also does a number of balance and Scale fixes.

New units:


Recusant Frigate* (Muunilinst Only)
Munificent Frigate* (Muunilinst Only)
Corellian Battlecruiser* (Corellia Only)
Corellian Destroyer* (Corellia Only)
Cloakshape Fighter*
Howl Runner Fighter*
Super BattleDroids*
Mandalorian Shock Troopers* (Mandalore Only)
Snail Tank* (Muunilinst Only)
B1 BattleDroids (Geonosis Only)

Bayonet Cruiser*
Escort Carrier*
Lancer Frigate*
Dominator Cruiser* (Kuat Only)
Eclipse Super Star Destroyer* (Byss Only)
Assault Gunboat*
TIE Avenger*
Carrack Cruiser*
Strike Cruiser*
E-Web Troopers*
Darkside Adepts* (Korriban Only)
Hero: Baron Soontir Fel w/181st Squadron*
Hero: Admiral Ozzel w/Nemesis Star Destroyer*

MC-40* (Mon Calimari Only)
MC-80a*(Mon Calimari Only)
MC-90* (Mon Calimari Only)
Nebulon B2*
Assault Frigate MK1*
Quasar Fire Carrier*
AAC Hovertank*
V-Wing Speeder*
Hero: General Jan Dodonna*

Misc Factions:
R-41 StarChaser*
N1 Fighter*
Golan 3*
B1 BattleDroids*


3 New Planets added Rattatak, Polis Massa, and Zhar
4 new maps added.
New Factions Added Hutts,Mandalorians,Naboo,Corellians,Corporate Sector.
Planetary Defense Fleets Added for Hutts,Mandalorians,Naboo,Corellians,Corporate Sector
Planet Values increased.
Planet Population Values Increased
Reinforcements Increased for Space Stations.
Faction Colors Changed to Purple for Underworld, Green for the Empire, and Crimson for the Rebels
LAAT/i: Transport Capability Added, Color Changed.
Juggernaught: Speed Increased, Rocket Attack added, Health Added, Size Scaled Up.
B-Wing: Health Increased, Shields Increased, Size Scaled Down
X-Wing: Size Scaled Down, Squadron increased to 12
A-Wing: Size Scaled Down, Squadron increased to 12
Y-Wing: Size Scaled Down
NebulonB: Size Scaled down
Corellian Corvette: Size Scaled Down
Corellian Gunboat: Size Scaled Down
Broadside Cruiser: Size Scaled Up
ISD: Size Scaled Up.
VSD: Size Scaled UP
Interdictor: Size Scaled up
TIE Fighter: Size Scaled Down
TIE Defender: Size Scaled Down, Squadron Increased to 12
TIE BOmber: Size Scaled Down
TIE Phantom: Size Scaled Down, Squadron Increased to 12
TIE Interceptor: Size Scaled Down, Squadron Increased to 12
Acclamator: Size Scaled Up
Marauder Cruiser: Size Scaled Up
Space Station Build Times are Decreased
ALL Fighter Build Times Decreased
Space Station Reinforcements Increased Greatly
Campaign "Equal Footing" starts with more credits for all sides.
Space Battle Pop Cap Increased for all sides.
Vengence Frigate: Shields Added
Opening Movie Music changed, ROTS music added to Galactic map
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