Zakyruss High-Definition Sound MOD

Box art for Zakyruss High-Definition Sound MOD For: Doom 3
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Notice: This is the last version of the sound mod FOR NOW... I will get to this again in a while. I began to work on the Ultra-Scariness mod(which is going quite well). If anyone wants to send me sound effects to add for the random sound part of the mod, then please send to my e-mail(listed at the bottom of this text).

Description: Here it is atlast! Just what everyone has been waiting for and few have thought to create. I have enhanced the sound effects for all voices, cinematics, and much, much more! In all cinematics you can hear footsteps sounds, environment sounds, and everything else alot better. Also, keep in mind that if you check out the sounds, you\'ll notice that some have been \"replaced\" with silence. Don\'t worry, the now \"silent\" sounds have taken and have been mixed into other sounds that are louder and can be heard better. This is a hacky way of doing it, but for those that can\'t have multiple sounds running at once it\'s a blessing. Besides, you still hear the same sounds(and more!) when you are supposed to anyways because it technically is still playing the same sounds. Trust me, no matter what sound card you have, I hope you like the effect.

Fixes from 0.6b
*removed the horrible echo-doubling effect in many voices(sorry again, non-EAX users. I know you loved it because you got echo effects without needing EAX.)
*fixed a bug where people mysteriously vanished from mars_city1
*added better glass bullet_impact sounds
*added the player.def file needed for material footstep sounds. (Yay!)
*added the materials folder for footsteps surface definitions, this has ALMOST EVERY material defined to a surface, so if you need this for your mod, go ahead...
(the shiny tiles material code definition part is from the GTX mod. I didn\'t take it out of my experimental materials because it looks badass. So thank you Gyppi of GTX mod or whomever in that mod group made that effect.)
*more teaser features from my ultra-scariness mod (see below in the \'Bonus\' section)
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