ZZs Miranda Pack

Box art for ZZs Miranda Pack For: Star Trek: Bridge Commander
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- Six Miranda Class vessels
(Lantree, Reliant, Saratoga, Soyuz, ShirKahr, Sitak)

- Wraith Federation Fighter (launched by the Soyuz)

- Miranda Escape Pod (as seen in DS-9 episode "Emissary")

The Mirandas that didn't take part on the Dominion War (Lantree, Reliant, Soyuz, Saratoga) have hull platings in better condition than the Sitak and ShirKahr, who saw extensive action during the war and were eventually destroyed in the major battles to retake DS9 and the invasion of the Chin'toka system. The textures on the hulls reflect that.

The TMP Reliant and Soyuz fire twin phasers from the turrets as seen in ST2:TWOK.

Although it was still operational in the 24th century the Lantree also fires from both turrets, since it was transformed on a cargo ship and Starfleet didn't see the need to upgrade its weapons. It has an old registry number NCC-1837, even older than the Reliant.

All the others fire 1 beam from the 2 turrets, as seen in various TNG and DS-9 episodes.

Mirandas with old warp engines (i.e. Black Nacelles on both sides) must power them up before going to warp (they'll glow blue when you do so). You can do this through the MVAM menu. You won't be able to warp with TMP vessels without powering up the nacelles.

You also need http://bridgecommander.filefront.com/file/ZZs_Miranda_Pack_Patch;50270

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