Apple Station

Box art for Apple Station For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Well this is something a little different. My first thought when entering the game and spawning was, uhoh, looks like someone forgot to add lighting…then I walked forward and realised I was in some kind of booth and a door came down so I could exit.

This map is a space station in the middle of space with various different rooms to accommodate your needs. Ill go through the bad area’s of the map to start with. Something that really does my head in, is some of the textures people tend to put in there maps these days. Lots of grey and random things that don’t go. This map is a good example of this, but only in some areas. Some of the rooms textures really just weren’t that great. Dull in places and just not matching. Saying that, there are some nice ones here and there.

Now to the more positive parts of the map. There are a lot of nice area’s in this map. I particularly liked the cantina, even though some of the textures got to me, the generally architecture is pretty decent. I liked the fact it sort of had a SWG feel to it, due to the fact it has built in booths on the walls for people to sit in. I also liked the dueling room that had a sort of platform in the middle and was in a ball of sorts. That was a nice variation to your normal duelling room, so kudos to the author there.

Another feature I liked, was the fact you could go flying. However though, as soon as you launch out, you get a warning error to head back to the station or you will blow up -.-. That was quite amusing but you tend to blow up either way.

For improvement, I would suggest working on your textures mainly. The general architecture isn’t bad at all, but the textures really do not do it justice. Some nice original idea’s here though, and I look forward to more work from you in the future.

-|Jorka Sho'Hen|-

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