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Description Well shame on me, I have heard of the names of a few of the Clone Commanders, but until I saw this skin, I had never heard of Commander Appo before! And I call myself a Star Wars nut!
Commander Appo was the Clone Commander that led the 501st legions attack on the Jedi Temple as seen in Revenge of the Sith, the 501st were of course the elite troops of the Republic’s and later the Empire’s armies. Where he got such a bizarre name as ‘Appo’ I have no idea, but then I haven’t finished reading through the [url=]Wookieepedia article[/url] yet! :P
Anyway, on with the review.
What we have here is a fairly simple, but effective, reskin of the good old Stormtrooper model. The author has done a good job with this skin I think, because the Stormtrooper and the Episode 3 Clonetrooper suits of armour are different in places. Nevertheless, the adjustments to the visor on the helmet really make the Stormtrooper model look just like the Episode 3 Clones. Kinda like the way Superman just has to put his glasses back on and he is Clark Kent again, if you know what I mean. Both characters look quite different, but all you need to do is fiddle with the ‘glasses’ so to speak. ;)
The rest of the skin is mostly the same as the default Stormtrooper, apart from the blue 501st Legion markings on the armour and the green Clone style visor as I mentioned above.
I do feel that there could be some additions though, to make this skin even better. For one the pictures I have seen of Commander Appo show that his armour is quite scratched and scuffed from ware and tear, but the armour on this skin just looks too clean. I think for next time you should rough the armour up a bit, so he looks like he has been in a few battles. Also, there is no team support with this skin, which I always think is an important feature, so I think it would be cool to add that in for next time.
Other than those things though, good work here, and I look forward to seeing more from you mate. Well guys, if you like the look of it, give it a download! :)
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