added Trade Pact option for players only (automatically trades tech, contacts, and planet knowledge to race)
added Free Info Pact option for players only (automatically gives tech, contacts, and planet knowledge to race)
increased chances of ancient quests 4X (IotA)
increased ancient ships structure and damage (IotA)
added an inactive fighter mode where fighters won't fire at anything (Tuidjy)
now ultimate difficulty is really 4 separate difficulty levels (big difficulty level between each one)
added Empire Government Shutdown Galactic Karma event (IotA)
now doing rebel quests annoys friends and makes enemies happy (demoss)
decreased how much races will pay players to stop wars, start wars, and break treaties
added ship name to achievements that are ship specific (ScrObot)
improved the hide crappy loot option (goodgimp)
can no longer solve quests or trade with races after losing sector (Steve)
can no longer drop consumables on planets (they didn't work anyway) (Yindo)
decreased win timer from 5 to 3 seconds (Steve)
added Greenlight button
changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 27
changed the polaron beam / em burst volume/pitch
now giant pods draw before ships
now Rumor is translated properly (DarthNihilus)