Fish Story

Box art for Fish Story For: Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force
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Its back! The Second Release of [b]Fish Story[/b] by everyone's favourite [b]Freak Fish[/b]! This is the mod where you have to kill your captain and escape into the civilian underworld of Star Trek. At least thats the vague feeling I get from this new version. For a long winded review of the previous version and how NUTS it is, have a click [url=";96847"]here[/url].

This new release (making very slightly more sense) contains three new levels, taking the story beyond the "escape from Imperials" stage, showing how your character proceeds through an alien shop and bar that seems riddled with bugs, Klingon pirates, and perhaps most bizare: a Reaver / Harvester / Etherian band. "Forge Rockers" would be a good name for them! :p Alright that sucked.

Anyway, after getting through the interior building stage (which contains some very good puzzles, surprisingly), the final level takes place in space with you attempting to defend yourself and your new naval-like ship from pirate Klingons and some Hirogen with pulse disruptors. How are you and the ridgeheads breathing, you might ask? Who knows? Not a lot else about this mod seems to make sense either, but its still great fun. Sadly, after you kill the last hostile, the mission ends... by... um... not ending at all. A "map cannot be found" error appears and thats it. Fin.

Whilst you may find yourself using the Scavenger Rifle more often than not due to an almost endless supply of Klingon ammo, health is once again a problem in some stages. There isn't enough of it, and with the vast numbers of Klingons you face, it can prove difficult to get from heath terminal to health terminal without getting killed. The map design is generally good, but the texture usage is a bit hard on the eyes at times. The voiceovers are as funny as ever, and its obvious that a lot of effort has been put into this. My suggestion to Freak Fish is now to improve what levels are already here: fine tuning them some more slightly in terms of brushes and hostiles. He is already working on a sixth level, and I look forward to it! Generally, however, this is a moderate improvement on the first version.

If you are a fan of the first release, this is the next big thing for you.

~ Luke20 (The Tenth Doctor)
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