Half-Life2: FakeFactorys Cinematic Mod Patch

Box art for Half-Life2: FakeFactorys Cinematic Mod Patch For: Half-Life 2
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For all those great FakeFactory Cinematic Fans, here is yet another patch! Just to let you guys know, It is [b][u]required[/b][/u] for you to have FakeFactory Cinematic Mod v3.05 mod installed.

Don't use the included Hi-Resolution Texture with normal Half-Life 2 as a override. Use it as a mod as intended. This is because Vanilla HL2 cannot use the new engine features like RIM/Phong Shading. The new material depends on the new engine features. Garry's 10 mod users can use the models/materials folders as a override by copy over the folders to the GMOD10 Folder.

[*] [b]Enhancements since Version 3.00/3.02:[/b]
- Setup.exe for automated installation
(You can still unpack the content.zip, but i strongly recommend to use the
setup.exe, because the new Alyx Construction Kit needs some special registry-entries)
- Reworked dog
- Worked around some textures because of budget-limits in the Source-Engine
- New models
- Some new textures
- Minor tweaks
- Alyx Construction Kit with automated model install

The new Hires models are getting closer to final stage, but they are using a signify cant higher poly-amount (up to 39000 poly's, Valve's original uses 7500). Therefore you should own a fast graphics card. Don't use this modification with outdated DirectX8 hardware - in this case you WILL see serious stutter.

Also, this might interest people who have a lot of complaints:

[i]quote[/i][i]I started this mod 1,5 years ago. It has taken endless hours of my life, a oversea-container full of coffee and 8000+ dollars for software like 3dsmax and Photo shop and membership at several graphics libraries. I don't want ovations or donations - this mod will remain free of cost, but i think, i don't deserve this amount of hate-mails I'm getting since I've started the work on the hires-models of alyx.

I cannot satisfy the personal tastes of thousands of people; one of you wants a thin alyx, some other wants a big-arse-version. Some are asking for a ethnic version, others would like a more asians looking alyx... Dear community. It is not possible for me to develop such a wide range of variations. I'm a single human being. I have released the base-model as a 3dsmax source. All modelers can build up their own personal alyx with this file. That is all, i can do for you.[/i]
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