Hearts of Iron 3 Patch v.1.4 ENG

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version: v.1.4 ENG------------------------------------------------------------------------ AI Improvements-----------------------------------------------------------------------* Unit AI- Improved attack cooperation between countries and different agents- Fixed an issue with low _current_ infrastructure causing the AI to disregard many front provinces- Fixed some prio issues that stupidly emptied a threatened front province of troops- Fixed some problems with reserve usage along fronts that could cause all units to be pulled back (especially for unmobilized countries on DoW.)- Fixed some superstack issues- Fixed a serious superstacking issue with unlimited troops allowed to match and surpass enemy forces- Better checks before allies send their whole army to help against some weak enemy- Fixed a problem with invaders and overseas units incorrectly being marked as garrisons and locking up- Fixed an issue where it would not return exp forces correctly- Improved garrison code to better handle multiple areas within a theatre- Fixed some problems with reserve usage along fronts that could cause all units to be pulled back (especially for unmobilized countries on DoW.)- Fixed a bad bug that could cause all divisions to go to the same province- Will reinforce coastal provinces under attack by invaders- Fixed an attack recklessness bug- Fixed an issue with reckless attacks- Fixed a break-off attack bug- Fixed a bug with fronts ignoring certain coastal provinces- Fixed a bug with AI units going passive due to stale support attack orders- Fixed an issue with allied fronts not updating correctly* HQ AI- Allies should now be able to operate properly within each other's territory- Rebalanced inter-theatre unit reassignments- Improved retrieval of armies from foreign areas- Tweaked inter-theatre allocation of units to realize when either theatre is defensive and holds a fortified line- Tweaked some inter-theatre thresholds- Fixed a serious bug with theatre ping-pong of units* Invasion AI- Avoids target provinces with only a strait as a border (like the Channel Islands)- Prioritizes provinces that border many others- Will not reinforce beachheads if it will severely overstack. Instead, will attempt more landings nearby.- Better at transporting HQs to the areas with their divisions- Fixed a nasty problem with the transport AI completely locking up- Transport AI: Fixed a bug with stale transport orders locking up fleets forever* Air AI- Fixed a bug with interceptors constantly being sent to enemy air bases- Will divert TAC and CAG to bomb invasion fleets* Production AI- AI should no longer burn manpower when at war if it needs for reinforcement.- Production AI: Slight tweak/bugfix for excessive building of land units.- Production AI: Fixed a bug that could prevent proper building of ships and air units- The AI is now a bit more conservative with its manpower.- The AI now builds proper divisions.- Major Powers will only build buildings once all build requests are met.- USA will build more ships in the early years (even if it fails MP checks) as long as it has more than 100 MP- Changed order prio on what units to build first over others.- Fixed an issue where transport ships where not being built in serial runs- AI will build buildings now if IC is available but it was not able to meet manpower checks (Except for USA)- If there is IC left over after doing AI build requests the AI will build a few extra units based on what was not asked for!- AI will build buildings now if IC is available but it was not able to meet manpower checks (gives it somethign to do with it).- Building functionality was moved into a seperate method to make it easier to call.- More performance IC checks added into the begining of the method.- AI is now limited to building 2 of each building type at the same time.- AI will now build a max of 5 AA in a province.- AI will now build no more than 2 coastal forts in a single province (same with Radar Stations)- China, France and Russia will no longer build coastal forts- Fixed a bug where the cost of the minor attachments was not being calculated corectly when the AI was trying to figure out how much it was using.- Added a manpower check for major powers building buildings. If the AI is low on manpower the limits placed on how many buildings he builds will be removed.- Any country that has over 50 IC will create full divisions, if they are less than 50 then single brigades will be built* Research AI- Fixed issue with too many starting techs in research queue for the AI- AI now focus a little bit more on a decent officer ratio.- AI now avoids researching ahead of time more- Slider AI had the values Diplomacy and NCO fliped which was causing them to set them incorectly.- Redid the Slider distribution code to be a little more simpler. AI will concentrate way more on research now.- Tech AI has a new weight system for research techs (Major powers get a specific one for each) (too many rules to put in notes here.)- Improved Algorythm for research slots- Resolved an issue where minors would have 0 in the diplomacy slider- Some floats would get converted incorrection during research planning causing the LUA for tech research to terminate.* Diplomatic AI- Fixed several issues with DoW and preparations for DoW- Diplomatic AI now replies a bit quicker.- Soviet Union will no longer attempt repeatedly attack the germans after the bitter peace.- Non-Neutral countries are less likely to spam out offers of military access now.* Misc- Optimized mission selection for spies in countries without spies- Fixed an issue with theatres not always updating their borders when neighboring provinces changed controller- Theatres: Corrected a problem with bad theatre merges (e.g. East Prussia being given to OB West.)- Theatres: Fixed a bug with Pure AI theatres switching HQ units and losing their plans------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gamebalance Changes-----------------------------------------------------------------------* Supply- Being completely out of supply now reduces organisation daily.- Air Transports can now ship less supplies.- Rewrote supply logisitics definitions to properly handle connected areas between puppets and non-puppets.- Supply networks is now country+puppet specific, and no longer common for entire alliance.- Landlocked areas without supply sources will now attach to other supply networks if possible.* Partisans & Revolts- Partisans are now slightly more common.- Partisans is now increasing supply tax far more.- Revolt risk now reduces resource, manpower and IC from that province.- Improved police brigade is now a bit better at improving suppression.- Police Brigades now costs a little less manpower to build.- Suppression is now checked for up to 2 provinces away.- Occupation policies now impact resource gain as well.- Weaker occupation policies are no longer as good for getting manpower & leadership.- Revoltrisk is now applied after nationalism is calculated, so impact on RR works.- Nationalism is a bit more powerful now, but there is no longer a minimum revolt risk.* Technology- Updated starting techs for: Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Netherlands, Hungary, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Nationalist Spain, Republican Spain, Sweden, Turkey & Yugoslavia.- Fuel and Supply consumption increases from technology gains are now percentage instead of absolute.- Increased fuel-usage by about 15% for all units.- Fixed research progress, could start do diverge, making it impossible to finish.- Research efficiency techs now work properly.* Diplomacy- Increased the proximity impact on alignment.- Revanschism is now scaled by victory percentage of a faction, where higher is making the countries less likely to care about it, and lower makes them far more likely to pushed away.- Reduced threat caused by combat and construction significantly.- There's no longer possible to revoke an embargo against a country you're at war with.- It is now possible to declare war on a country you're guaranteeing.- Only majors can now influence countries.- It is now possible to cancel trade agreements with govs in exile.- Guarantees will now put you automatically in a war.- No longer possible to send theatre HQs as expeditionary forces through diplomacy.* Land- Engineers are now much better at defending in all rough terrain.- Engineers now gives nice bonuses to defending.- Tweaked stats of several support brigades, strenghening some and weakening others.- Decreased strength damage from combat by 20%.- Paratroopers now requires more officers, and have a slightly worse base hard attack.- Its no longer possible to extend the radio range of a HQ by stacking some tank brigades with a big radio strength together with it.- Suppression can no longer propagate over water.- AA Carriage Sights now increases soft attack slightly as well for AA brigades.- Bergsjaegers now gets more benefits from mountain warfare equipment.- Damage to org on divisions are no longer scaled by strength of the brigade, but evenly.- Orders are now cleared when loading on a navy or air.- Movement modifiers for river crossing now works.- Engineer Assault Equipment is now giving more bonuses to engineers.- Garrisons now get a little bit better attack values from each tech.- Organisation is no longer reset at load.- Expeditionary forces now use and affect officer ratio of their country of origin.- Retreating units are now moving slightly quicker.- Tweaked the offensive penalties on AT to be slightly higher.* Air- Air units that are based in hostile territory will now try to rebase in their daily update and be destroyed if they fail.- Stationary AA is now slightly more powerful.- Severly reduced the effect of strategic bombing.- Close Air Support and Tactical bombing is now twice as good.- AA on landunits is now a fair bit better.- All types of AA can now fire occasionally even if modified value is <1%, (using same algoritm as normal combat now.)- Air combat is now slightly bloodier.- Added a few more restrictions to how nuke missions can be assigned.- Fixed quite a few issues with air units being counted as land units for some evaluation purposes (as retreats etc.)- Logistical bombing now also targets fuel stockpiles.- Current base size, and the amount of ships/planes based there now affects org regain for naval and air units.* Navy- A fleet containing carriers will no longer attempt to close with an enemy fleet, but a faster enemy may force a closing.- Units on naval patrol now avoids stronger fleets if on defensive or passive stance.- Severly decreased the cost of building cags, but lengthened the time to be similar to carrier builds.- Fixed problem with navies not being able to escape hostile ports into certain provinces (gibraltar, panama...).- Effective visibility can never be below 1 when detect checks are made now.- Fixed an exploit with navy and air ranges.- SH BB is now affected by doctrines.- Fleets on orders should no longer go through blockaded straits.- Convoys are now checking if baltic is properly locked for trading purposes.* Submarines- Worse positioning for submarines- "Fleet_auxiliary_submarine_doctrine� and �trade_interdiction_submarine_doctrine� change boni and get them raised.- Higher org and morale by submarine_crew_training.- Increase in positioning by Acoustic torpedo tech.- Better Sea attack on Submarines.- Upgradable AA on Submarines.- IC cost slightly reduced on Submarines.- Visibility dependent on Hull tech.- Hull tech don�t increase Sea defence.- Hull tech got higher difficulty.- Included a �Sea_defence� boni in �Sonar� tech.- �Sonar� tech got increased difficulty.- Smallwarship_asw increased difficulty.- Light Cruisers got slightly worse Sub_attack by Smallwarship_asw.- Increase of difficulty of submarine_technology.- Slight decrease in Convoy Raiding on submarines.- Effect of Seawolf trait increased 100%.* Strategic Warfare- Damage done to convoys now impact National Unity hits.- Tweaked up the NU impact from attacking convoys severly.- Strength damage to convoy raiders is now far less, and its mostly org losses inflicted from escorts.- Decreased impact from ASW on sub warfare.- Supporting parties through spies is now more potent.- Spies from a friendly country trying to do hostile actions will now be dealt with like all other counter espionage targets.* Production- Rocket Tests and Nuclear Reactors now give far more practical when built.- Escorts and convoys are now a fair bit more expensive to build.- Reserves cost modifier is now applied correctly as a percentage of cost.- Building ships now properly draws manpower at construciton for entire series.- Constructions now keep track of actual manpower used and restores that amount instead of calculating current cost when cancelling.- Practical increases is now depending on the laws set when a construction is started (and in a serial, at every start.)- The strength of a reserve unit when constructed is depending on the laws that were when the production was started.* Weather- Winters can now be much colder.- Cold winters now slow down movement much more, with same threshold as landcombat impact.- Severly increased the penalty for offensive combat in extreme cold.* Manpower & Leadership- Service by Requirement now gives far more manpower.- Soviet Union now gets more manpower from their decisions.- Increased manpower in Soviet Union by about 25%.- Manpower is now added daily instead of monthly.- Lowered manpower returns when demobilizing.- Demobilising should now cap the strength of units properly when the manpower is returned.- Added leadership to Holland, Belgium, Canada, Australia, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Czechoslovakia & Hungary.* Leaders & Ministers- Doubled xp gain from leaders.- Leader auto-assignment now handles river crossing trait correctly.- Pigheaded isolationist now impact suspeptibility instead of neutrality.- Communists can now enact draft laws if good national unity.------------------------------------------------------------------------ Interface Improvements------------------------------------------------------------------------ The game may support higher resolutions.- Added a tooltip for port throughput in supply mapmode.- Colorized and tweaked the tooltips for supply mapmode.- Improved coloration in revoltrisk mapmode.- Fixed exploit of using cursor to spot enemy fleet presence with.- Minimap day/night is now displayed properly at reload.- Foreigntroops alert is now checking controller, not owner of the target province.- Research alert now checks the year for the next tech, not the current tech.- Range checks are now applied properly in the order interface.- Fixed chat output after selecting units.- Time impacts from practical knowledge is now shown in correct percentages.- Added a tooltip to the mobilisation button, detailing approximately how much manpower is needed to mobilise.- Added tooltips to the deployment interface, so that is easier to see details of military units there.- Improved the tooltip for national unit value, to show the monthly change in detail.- The year trigger is now displayed correctly as "at least".- Improved tooltip for money gain.- If you have trade automation or full diplomatic automation on, you will no longer see messages about trade.- Improved tooltips for resources in the production screen.- Fixed a few precision errors with the production and leadership slider values.- Fixed resetting sliders in production view.- Fixed production sliders going below zero.- National Unity changes is now colored correctly when taking spy actions into account as well.- Officer impact on org regain is now shown properly on the org regain change value tooltip.- Corps no longer get "HQ" in their name.- Each message about techlevel now shows exactly what that level will give you.- Upgrading doctrines on a unit will no longer change the model name.- Fixed a problem which caused some organisation bars to not show relative to the actual maximum.- Fixed the display of expeditionary forces acceptance in the log.------------------------------------------------------------------------ User Modding------------------------------------------------------------------------ Added a modifier called 'local_resources'.- It is now scriptable which country is a major, in addition to the >100 IC check.- Added new date trigger, to make year and month triggers more readable.- Added a "load_oob = filename" effect. Use filename as a localisation tag for information. File to load must be in the units catalog, and will be ADDED to the current OOB.- Exported alot functions for handling flags and variables in the .lua script.- Added alot of calculation functions for units and other things to the .lua script.- Full details of all new .lua function at ( http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/...7&postcount=27 )------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performace and Stability-----------------------------------------------------------------------* Optimisations- Moved some optimizations from HTTT to HOI3.- Alot of optimisations done, with focus on supply calculation, event engine and the AI.- Optimized ai calculate odds. Large battles should not "freeze" the game anymore.- Optimized space usage of flag file, and made it a power of 2, fixing compability issues with some ATI cards.- Severe optimisation of framerate to make the game feel more responsive.* Map- Map shader precision fix. ATI miscolored provinces bug solved.- Solved border ati graphics problem.- Underlying map-code have been rewritten, reducing the memory footprint significantly.- Making a new map by modders will no longer take hours to compress, but merely minutes.- The maprendering is now much quicker and should work better with lesser cards.- Zhele(sp?) is no longer at two places on the map.- Fixed a few duplicated seazones.* Stability- Fixed "Creating Rivers" crashbug.- Fixed crash related to broken owner areas and the theatre ai.- fixed crash in german diplomacy ai- Fixed crash when France surrenders.- Fixed crash when Denmark surrenders.- Fixed Crash when Manchuku surrenders.- Fixed crashbug related to unit shattering.- Fixed infinite loop in textbuffer.- Fixed a problem which could cause crashes on some machines when starting the game.- Fixed a crash bug with exp force theatre HQs* Savegames- Fixed another corruption of savegames.- Radarstation status is now properly loaded when a game is reloaded multiple times.- Bonus organisation is now properly loaded from savegames and no longer lost.- Automatic deployment check box now set correctly when loading a save game.------------------------------------------------------------------------ Database Changes-----------------------------------------------------------------------* Events & Decisions- Fixed Danzig or War when Poland is part of the Axis- Added a few random events with some positive effects.- Added an event for Vichy to dissapear.- There is now a decision to create Mengkukuo* Scenario Setup- Improved the fortress at Sevastopol.- Revised a few italian generals ranks to fit the starting OOB's better.- Removed an erroneous army in the 1936 OOB for France.- Fixed location of french airforce in 38 and 39 OOB's.- Revised a few french generals ranks to fit the starting OOB's better.- Fixed a few broken units in the Japanese 1941 OOB.- Added the missing picture of the Hungarian leader Nemerey.- Added the missing picture for Italian general Appiotti.- Plenty more head of states are now pigheaded isolationists.- Kwantung theatre is now working properly in all scenarios.- USA, UK, France, Soviet, Italy, Japan & Germany are now always major countries.- Fixed bulgarian head of government at start of game.
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