Legends of the Third Age: The Fellowship of the Ring

Box art for Legends of the Third Age: The Fellowship of the Ring For: Age of Mythology
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The Modders and Mappers of the Liquid Fire Studios: Legends of the Third Age Team Proudly Present....



For over 2 years, the Legends of the Third Age team have been working to re-create the first installment of Tolkien's classic Lord of the Rings trilogy in AoM. In this long-awaited campaign, the player follows the adventures of the nine members of the Fellowship in their quest to destroy the One Ring. The scenarios are made to the highest quality by some of the best designers in the community, and will lead the player from the sweeping rural hills of the Shire to the deepest depths of Moria to the wooded ruins of Amon Hen. Complex map design and amazing eye candy will keep gamers coming back simply to watch the brilliantly created cinematics. Even more fantastic is the completely original soundtrack created by a true genius at his craft. From Rivendell to Mordor, Legends of the Third Age: The Fellowship of the Ring brings Middle-Earth alive like never before.

Aside from the excellent scenarios, The Fellowship of the Ring boasts what may be the largest and most expansive modpack in Age of Mythology history. Each weapon is authentic, and gamers will feel the fires of the Balrog and hear the crack of Gimli's axe. Each face of each hero is authentic and detailed, as is every structure in the many exotic Middle-Earth locales. The mods were made by legends in the Age of Mythology community, and the quality does show.

The Fellowship of the Ring has features such as:

- The world of J.R.R tolkein created in AoM for the first time!
- 13 beautiful maps, pain-stakingly made to the finest quality by some of the best Age of Mythology mappers out there.
- The largest and most detailed modpack ever created in AoM!
- Original and never before seen game play.
- Extensive and professional sound track.


Project Founder: Coolsk8r

Project Lead: EazY_Ben
Lead Scenario Designer: Guardian Of Isis
Lead Modder: Dnas
Public Relations: Zeus174

- Guardian Of Isis
- Deianeira (BlueDragon27)
- EazY_Ben (EaZy)
- Blackhunter
- Razzia
- Myst

- FlipBizcut (1979-2005)
- Dnas
- Coolsk8r
- Antisback
- Waveslave610
- Stephen Caines
- Guardian Of Isis
- King Jared
- Sjouke
- Daemon Crudelis
- Dude12345

- casper15
- DeadHead
- Oscar
- Guardian of Isis
- Deianeira (BlueDragon27)
- EazY_Ben (EaZy)
- RiderOfEternity

This project is dedicated to the late, great Flipbizcut (1979-2005).
For more screenshots visit: http://lta.liquidfirestudios.net/media.php

UPDATE: The patch for this file is available here -http://ageofempires3.filefront.com/file/;66303
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