Mediterranean Bastila

Box art for Mediterranean Bastila For: Knights of the Old Republic
Size: 1.21 MB
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Bastila Shan has become a fan favorite among [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i] fans. I ran a [url=;36092]poll[/url] recently about how fans felt about our dear Bastila and the majority liked only because she is a hottie. Shallow or not; this is how the majority of the fans feel.

Dark Diva brings us yet another mod that focuses on changing Bastila a little. Yes, mods to make changes to her appearance has been down a lot, but I can say that these changes are different from the other mods out there and choices are good because what you like maybe not what someone else likes and vice versa.

The author changed the skin tone to a bit more of an olive color; I suspect most people won’t be able to tell the difference that much if at all, but the change is there. The author did darken the lipstick a bit and darken the blue of her eyes.

There is a new portrait for Bastila, but I would have recommended the author using a better lighted background other than the Ebon Hawk because the portrait is too dark. I also would recommend taking out the background after taking your screenshot and put in a custom one that helps put more of the focus on Bastila instead of the Ebon Hawk in this case.

I do like what the author did with the default clothing style of Bastila. The coloring looks fantastic. I really think a lot of people will like the new underwear style and the new slave outfit when you rescue her on Taris. I think those new items will be the main attraction in determining downloading this file. Well, whatever you want from it; it’s yours for the taking. Enjoy the mod! :D

[b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.

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