Meeting Room Prefab

Box art for Meeting Room Prefab For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Behold. A prefab from the smithies of Mapping.

The premise is simplistic in nature. A temple-ish meeting room, as a prefabricational map, meant for use by the public in any manor they may or may not choose to employ when engaging in the art of tri-dimensional cartography.

[/quazi-smarty] :P

Unfortunately, while the concept was good, the execution was poor. A room such as this shouldn't be more than 40 brushes for the layout, but somehow, the author managed to create this room with more than double that. In addition, there is no clear sign of -proper- texture selection. Unseen walls aren't caulked, the sky isn't actually a sky shader, and every brush has exactly one texture, meaning that the elevated section of the room uses exactly one texture. And trust me, the texture being used there isn't meant to be used for floors.

So overall, it's close, but no cigar. I suggest lots of practice, and seeking advice from 'da boys' over [url=]Map-Craft[/url]. [i](They would be listed as an affiliate to the right, but Darth G, the head admin over there, has been inactive lately...[/i]

~Crazy A
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