MikScrollingBattleText v3.01

Box art for MikScrollingBattleText v3.01 For: World of Warcraft
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This mod makes it easier to see combat information by scrolling it on the screen in 3 configurable scrolling areas.
There is a scroll area for incoming heals/damage, one for outgoing heals/damage, and a third for notifications.
Each scroll area is completely customizable.

* Scroll incoming damage/heals, outgoing damage/heals, and notifications in separate
configurable scroll areas on the playing field.

* Customize the position, animation style, show state, font style, font size, and font outline
for each of the scroll areas.

* Customize each individual event\'s color, font style, font size, font outline, output message,
and show state.

* Set \"Master Font\" settings that will be inherited by all of the scroll areas and the events in
them unless they are overriden at the scroll area or event level.

* Merge AoE data into one event with cumulative damage/healing done with number of normal and crits specified.

* Show overhealing amounts against yourself or party/raid members.

* Add triggers that will allow you to show notifications based on various health and mana thresholds, or custom search patterns. Triggers are also set to only fire for specific classes.

* Suppress particular messages you do not want to see such as mana gains from Blessing/Judgement of Wisdom.

* Load on demand options.

Supported Events:
* Incoming:
- Melee Damage
- Melee Misses, Dodges, Parries, Blocks, Absorbs, and Immunes
- Ability/Spell Damage
- Ability/Spell Damage Over Time (DoTs)
- Ability/Spell Misses, Dodges, Parries, Blocks, Absorbs, Immunes, and Reflects
- Spell Resists
- Heals
- Heals Over Time (HoTs)
- Environmental Damage

* Outgoing:
- Melee Damage
- Melee Misses, Dodges, Parries, Blocks, Absorbs, and Evades
- Ability/Spell Damage
- Ability/Spell Damage Over Time (DoTs)
- Ability/Spell Misses, Dodges, Parries, Blocks, Absorbs, Immunes, Reflects, and Evades
- Spell Resists
- Heals
- Heals Over Time (HoTs)
- Pet Melee Damage
- Pet Melee Misses, Dodges, Parries, Blocks, Absorbs, Immunes, and Evades
- Pet Ability/Spell Damage
- Pet Ability/Spell Misses, Dodges, Parries, and Blocks, Absorbs, Immunes, Reflects, and Evades
- Pet Spell Resists

* Notification:
- Debuffs
- Buffs
- Item Buffs
- Buff Fades
- Enter/Leave Combat
- Power Gains and Losses
- Combo Point Gains
- Combo Points Full
- Honor Gains
- Reputation Gains and Losses
- Skill Gains
- Experience Gains
- Killing Blows (Player and NPC)

* Default Triggers:
- Low Health
- Low Mana
- Low Pet Health
- Execute
- Counter Attack
- Mongoose Bite
- Clearcast
- Riposte
- Windfury
- Nightfall
- Overpower

* Default Suppressions:
- Blessing/Judgement of Wisdom (+30 Mana, +33 Mana, +59 Mana)


/msbt - Shows the options interface.
/msbt reset - Resets the current profile to the default settings.
/msbt disable - Disables the mod.
/msbt enable - Enables the mod.
/msbt version - Shows the current version.
/msbt stats - Reports stats about table recycling.
/msbt search pattern - Sets a pattern for searching event types.
/msbt debug - Toggle debug mode.
/msbt help - Show the command usage.

Display Function Documentation

See the included readme.html file.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

See the included readme.html file or go to the FAQ at MSBT\'s portal site:

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