Omeewans Jedi Skin Pack V1

Box art for Omeewans Jedi Skin Pack V1 For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Well this is certainly a large skin pack. With four versions of Anakin (Alternating between Sith and Jedi versions, each with a robed and unrobed version) , with two Qui Gons (robed and unrobed as well) , two Obi Wans (same as Qui Gon), two Mace Windus (same as Qui Gon and Obi Wan), and Kit Fisto. Consisting of eleven reskins, it doesn't look too bad, and shows that the author put a bunch of time into this.

Well the Qui Gon is a reskin of Toonce's JK2 Qui Gon, and it looks pretty good. The tunic has definitely been changed to more of a sandy look, so it looks like he's been out in the desert a while. It is also apparent that the hair has been recolored as well. He also comes in a robed version. The unrobed version has team skins as well, but the robed one doesn't.

The Kit Fisto looks to be a reskin of the Kit Fisto from the Clone Wars pack, and I certainly like this one more than I liked the one from the Clone Wars pack. It isn't cell shaded, which is very nice. The textures look very nice, and they give Kit a frog like quality, which is good cause he's a Nautolan. He comes with team skins and purple and orange as well. (Oooh Aaaah)

The Anakin reskins are reskins on NeoMarz's Anakin models. The first thing I noticed after comparing the textures is the head. The reskin has a much lighter skin tone, which I must say is nice, the eyes are also a different color. In the sith version only one of the eyes have changed to that freaky orange-red color. In other places it looks like the author has just lightened the skin tone by a lot, which is a small improvement. The hair has also been changed. Both of the jedi Anakin skins have team skins, while the sith Anakin skins do not. He comes in a robed and unrobed version. Which also applies for the sith version.

The Obi Wan has a tunic similar to Qui Gon's. Which I suppose is fitting for when he is on Tatooine in Episode One. One of the two skins has team skins, while the other does not. He comes in a robed and unrobed version.

And lastly, there is the Mace reskin. He also comes in both robed and unrobed versions. The tunic also looks very sandy, much like the Obi Wan and Qui Gon skins. Again, only one of them has team skins.

A very big skin pack. I must say. I think that the author might have tried making the Qui Gon, Mace, and Obi Wan tunics look a bit more different. (Because they look almost identical to me) And while I love shiny things, having shaders on everything sometimes doesn't work out too well.
But all in all, it is a very well done skin pack. If you like star wars skin packs or if this appeals to you, give it a download.

Team Support: Yes, on some skins.
New Sounds: Yes
Bot Support: No
Npc Support: No

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