Planet Onmanjon

Box art for Planet Onmanjon For: Star Wars: Battlefront II
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[quote]This is my first map uploaded to filefront. I don't currently have BF2, but I am waiting for it in the mail, so I am uploading this to see what I need to change.
This is a smaller map, with a command post on each side and a canyon in the middle, with platforms leading to other command posts. No vehicles yet. This is supposed to be wierd, so don't be surprised by the interesting ground texture (republic gunships).[/quote]

And this is why it's so important to test your maps before you release them. Apparantly, Count_Zooku does not even have Battlefront II, yet this is only the first of four maps he's submitted within the span of a couple hours. That is not a good sign.

The first thing I noticed was the lack of a sky, which is always a bad thing. The ground texture has also been replaced with... the Republic gunship texture? Then there's a chasm of sorts in the middle with some Ewok bridges and Kamino platforms in between. Nothing blends together at all, and it looks terrible, to tell the truth.

Gameplay gets condensed on the small bridges, usually with the CIS/ Rebels getting stuck on the steep birdge. There's also one neutral CP that's waaay out of the way of all of the fighting. It's almost a disadvantage to capture it, because once the AI get down there, they can't get back up. Speaking of which, the AI fall off the cliff and bridges. A lot.

I have one thing to say to the author: patience, young Padawan. Releasing a map you have done zero testing on will just about never turn out well. Quality is always superior to quantity. Instead of sending in FOUR completely untested maps within a day, why not just wait until you get your game [i]and then[/i] concentrate your work on one thing at a time, and TEST IT OUT BEFORE YOU RELEASE IT. I can't stress it enough.

Just a heads up to anyone who downloads this, you'll need to rename the folder "Wierdness Level" to "ROM," and rename the "ROM" folder inside the "Wierdness Level" folder to "data." Otherwise, the map will simply crash. Yet another side effect of not testing the map.

Download if you will.

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