Ryloth: Nabat

Box art for Ryloth: Nabat For: Star Wars: Battlefront II
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THEWULFMAN makes his Filefront debut with Ryloth: Nabat, a map set in a valley on the deserty planet of Ryloth, where the Twi\'leks live. It is apparently based on one of the Clone Wars series episodes. The map features lots of destructable buildings, new units for the sides, and a bunch of relocalized things.

The map itself is essentially a small village/town thing set in a valley between a bunch of mountains. Outside of the valley but on the same level there is a landing area with two gunships that serve as the clones\' starting CP. The CIS start at the very other end of the town. There are a bunch of control points in the town and a few on the cliffs overlooking the town, which is a good place for snipers to camp out. Pretty much every building in the map is destructible, so go hog wild shooting at everything. Explosions are rampant, though since the buildings take a while to blow up the map will still be mostly intact at the end. The map is pretty well put together, especially for a first map. Terrain is smooth and natural looking, and the buildings are well placed.

Sides wise, you have your standard clones vs. droids layout. There are some new units for the CIS, who have a lot more than the clones do. Most of the units are equally powerful, so you really can\'t go wrong choosing one over the other. The units are reskinned also, and the skins are pretty good. Even those units that are stock have been changed up a bit, so it feels like a fresh new experience. Considering that the clones are probably the side most expanded upon and (in my opinion) overused, it\'s saying something that the units felt fresh.

Visually, the map is somewhat dark. It\'s not dark enough that you have problems seeing things, but it\'s noticeably darker than most maps. The palette of the map\'s objects is mostly brown and various shades thereof. Terrain is pretty much brown as well. The sky is a medium shade of gray and overcast. It\'s a very brown map, and visually speaking it is sort of boring, since everything essentially looks the same. Note that you will likely have to lower your view distance and LOD, since I was unable to run the map without my graphics settings lowered.

Overall, this is a pretty good map, especially considering that it is a first map. It manages to avoid almost every first map pitfall, demonstrates good mapping ability, and is fun to play. I would recommend giving it a download.

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