Skirata Mandalorians

Box art for Skirata Mandalorians For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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It isn't often that I get to rant and rave, so please excuse me if I sporadically lose it during this review. Yes, this WILL be a rant and a rave, so if you feel you cannot handle feel free to turn away, shield your eyes, or burst into tears. Or all three, hell, I don't care.

The Republic Commando books are one of my favorite series, and I'm waiting right now for Order 66 to be released in paperback (It should be coming out this month) before I buy it. I would have bought the hard cover, but it costs 20 dollars more than the paperback would, so I'm waiting... but I can't wait. The series is so well written and is perfect for a Mando nut like me and apparently like Mhoker too, and it introduces the reader to Kal Skirata, a grizzled Mandalorian mercenary who throughout the novels works with various Clone Commandos whom he adopts into his Mandalorian clan. Over the course of the series they... (insert long explanation here) ...and that's where I was left off at the end of True Colors. Mhoker brings JK3files a skinpack based off those characters, and I've got to say that I [i]really[/i] like it. This is a very high quality cool pack and the fact that it's Mandalorian means that any qualities it has are just amplified into sheer awesomeness. I'll stop being so vague and biased now and actually review it.

The pack consists of ten real skins, though each one includes team skins, unhelmeted, and "War" versions which raise the total number of skins to a whopping fifty. The Mando'ade featured are A'den, Corr, Darman, Fi, Ijaat, Jaing, Kom'rk, Mereel, Prudii, and Venku, and each has very unique, kickass armor; you can see the majority of the skins in the screenshots but there are a couple that aren't covered. My favorites are Ijaat and Fi, definitely. I'd suggest adding in Kal Skirata and Walon Vau in a version two. Yes, I know Vau isn't part of Skirata's clan but he's badass nonetheless and after all he did with Kal's boys he deserves a place in the pack. Another thing I would suggest would be to make the "War" version lose the jetpack but keep the Kama. The kama is meant for battle whereas the Jetpack is not, plus Kamas look cooler than no kama.

All the armor and cloth have nice levels of detail in them which are only amplified by the user of different shaders, however I do feel a bit more detail could have been added. It all looks spectacular but each skin could benefit from some distinguishing marks unique to that armor, say some scratches or little gadgets. This is more of a personal preference though and isn't really that important because regardless of personal details all the skins look great and very unique already because of their color schemes. The face skins, however, are another story. Every single face uses the same skin (As they should - nearly every skin in here is a clone of Jango Fett), but the texture they use isn't a GOOD Jango - it's the original Marz face which I always felt was very unrealistic and lacking in detail. Try to reskin the faces if you're planning on a version 2. Also, seeing as they ARE unique people, each face could have some detail specific to it like a scar or, in Mereel's case, some blond hair.

The use of the shaders is well done on every single skin and even on the icons, which are very nicely animated, except on two skin: Darman and Kom'rk. These skin have almost no detail on them that you can see due to the extremely overpowering use of a chrome shader which makes them really out of place when put next to the others and just makes them look odd. They would look better if the shader weren't so thick and gloopy and you could see more of the textures.

The sounds the model uses are the same as DarkDiablos' chrome Mandalorian, and I'm not quite sure where they're from but they're great and perfectly fit the Mandalorian elite in this pack. The sounds have the comm/radio effects and everything that one would expect from one speaking into a helmet, though there are no new roll or jump sounds and that really stands out when compared to the rest.

Team skins are included for every single Mandalorian and while they are just simple recolors they still look very good and very unique, and they add more customization to the pack. One of the team skins, Kom'rk's blue team skin, had a .skin file which I fixed for you, Mhoker; try to double check every .skin file before you submit a file (though out of 50 .skin files I've got to say that only 1 error is pretty impressive). Bot support and NPC support aren't included, which is a bit of a downer and could be included in a version 2 as well.

A very solid pack for any Mandalorian fans, or, hell, just any fans of badass guys in armor or good skins. Definitely give it a whirl in your base if it catches your fancy. :thumbsup: I'd definitely suggest that you make a version 2, Mhoker - I haven't reviewed a single 10/10 file, but you came so close.

New Sounds: Ja.
Team Skins: Ja.
Bot Support: Nej.
NPC Support: Nej.

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