survival mappack v1

Box art for survival mappack v1 For: Empire at War
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Hey, sorry about my last map, Matheyus Down. Unfortunately, the map had a couple bugs and none of the structures or extra units showed up. Please don\'t comment about how it doesn\'t work, because I know, and I am working on version 2, that will include the night version AND the daytime version I promised you guys.

As for THIS mappack, It has been tested, and both maps work.

There are stories for each map, both in the ReadMe. The maps are \"Survival of the Fittest\" on land, and \"If they came to here me beg...\" in space. I know that the last one is a quote from Halo 2, but it\'s a good quote. Each one was inspired by another survival mappack on this site, credit to megavin123 for the idea.

Basically, you start in the dead center of each map with enemies on all sides. But the catch; ememy bases are outside the map, so you can\'t win! Don\'t think of this as stupid, because it is the exact opposite. It is like firefight in Halo, or Nazi Zombies in CoD. Just last as long as possible against enemies coming in on all sides.

In the land map, you have very impressive fortifications and a steady income. But you are trapped in a valley, surrounded by mountains. Only two ways out, and those are flooding with enemies and native wampas. This is an Arctic map made to give you a feeling of large expanses of nowhere.

The space map is fairly simple. A base in the middle, but 4 enemy stations outside the map, with 6 mineral processors each team. you have a radar jammer and sensor scrambler IN your base. Capture them and it will be very difficult to destroy them without your base blowing up first. also, in front of each base is an asteroid field, so capital ships cannot jump straight at you.

Also in this pack is a readme for a contest I am hosting! last the longest in one of my maps WITHOUT MODS and your name is put on each map from here on out!! View readme for instructions.

Note :: there are 2 readme\'s in the file and just the stories are on the readme you can view now. installation and instructions in the file.
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