The Story of the NorjHal Elves

Box art for The Story of the NorjHal Elves For: Warcraft 3
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The main reason for this updated version is due to a bug that was found that may lock you out when you reach the end; The main enhancemet to this version is that the developer added a [i]cheat code[/i] that will allow you to see the final cinematic that the bug affected. Even with the added code in this version, it is still a stand-alone map, which means you can download this version by itself, and still play it as the previous version. (just with the cheat code to unlock the final cinematic.)

[i]To use the unlock code, please see the instructions in the readme.[/i]

The Story of the Norj\'Hal Elves begins with the fall of the highborne at the ancient Well of Eternity and as far as outside scholars know it ends in the Reign of Chaos.

The Norj\'Hal Elves campaign is one of the most ambitious RPG mapping projects that you will find. Now complete, Act I features:

Four maps all interconnected like the Orc-X campaign.
Unique map transition method that allows units to transfer with heroes.
Fifteen polished and original quests, some spanning multiple maps.
Gorgeous terrain.

Act I opens with the text cards below, set to foreboding music. The story builds to an epic cliffhanger, foreshadowing an event that seemed marginal in the Reign of Chaos saga, which CaptainPicard has taken, expaned, and scrupulously checked against the rest of the warcraft lore.

\"I am Aszune, ancient Princess of the Moon Children. None may pass until my heart is returned to me...\"

[quote]\"Ten thousand years ago, the Kaldorei rose up against the Burning Legion and sundered the world of Azeroth...\"

\"Broken, the world struggled to heal as its races clung to the quaking, divided remnants of Kalimdor.\"

\"The Kaldorei returned to the surviving moonglades of Mount Hyjal, vigilant against the Legion\'s expected return.\"

\"Another branch of the ancient Kaldorei took root to the East, in a land they would come to know as Quel\'Thalas.\"

\"But another seed of the Moon Children fell in snowy mountains to the North: a reclusive race called the Norj\'Hal.\"

\"As the Kaldorei kept their long vigil, their eastern descendants undertook a new elven kingdom: Silvermoon.\"

\"And, inexplicably and in secret, the Norj\'Hal elders consigned their history to a set of scrolls for none but their own order even to read again.\"

\"Over time, even these Bahr\'Tan elders came to disregard their history.\"

\"Until an ominous twilight descended over their land, at that history returned, at last...\"[/quote]
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