TRSGMs Upgraded Teleport Sounds

Box art for TRSGMs Upgraded Teleport Sounds For: Doom 3
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Who doesn't like the less-then-ideal teleport sounds, especially when the overall feeling of the game is so positive?! Always looking to make [b]Doom III[/b] even more l3373r then it already is, TheRealSceneGraphManager has sent in, for your gaming enjoyment, a sound mod that will change the monster spawn sounds so that they are less 'crappy'! In the words of the developer: [i]"Just lil' something I made a while back and never really thought to upload. Makes the monster spawn sounds less crappy by completely remaking them from scratch."[/i]

The TRSGM's Upgraded Teleport Sounds mod is this developer's effort at bringing these sounds up to a more modern standard. They have been completely reconstructed from scratch using the chant effects of the equivalents in Doom 3 and a number of high-quality samples of actual lightning. Timings have been synced, so nothing seems out of place and a sincere effort was made to remain as close to the spirit of the original as possible.

Also included is a set of tweaked sound shaders to bring out the work done by TheRealSceneGraphManager a little bit more than the default settings would allow.

Refer to the readme for more information.
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