
Box art for Wasteland... For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Wasteland is seemingly modelled on a similar theme as the singleplayer msision in the desret where Jaden is scampering around finding parts for that ship he crashed for no reason at all. Now, everybody knows that Raven maps are of a fairly high quality, so it\'s no surprise that they managed it a good deal better than this map, especially the blending between the edges of the map and the skybox. Because, whilst the terrain is not too bad, and the water shader used is a far deal better than anything raven came up with, the edges of this map let it down tremendously. Not only does the sudden texture change look wierd, but the boxy edges just make me cringe.

The second problem is a problem that W4bird has been failing to attend to even since his much earlier maps. I pointed out it\'s ugliness then but apparently lighting is not all that important in maps nowadays. Yes, this map gets away with it slightly better than an indoor map, but it\'s plainly obvious when the map hasn\'t had a light compile, because everything is the same bland shade. No shadows, no glows, nada. Either that or he\'s used strong ambient lighting, which does exactly the same thing.

But that\'s enough criticism for one day. ;) The terrain itself is actually fairly neat, and from a distance where you can\'t see the edge easily and where you don\'t get distracted by the lighting, it actually looks alright. I did really like the coconut trees, which seemed a little out of place in a desert maybe, but still looked nice,as did the skybox. There are also several pieces of debris scattered around and a sort of pad where some...(desert-speeders?) are kept. I\'m not going to go into the new skin on them because I might end up insulting someone, but.... if highly red hued skins are your thing, then these are for you. And also, there\'s no bot support. Damn.

New Sounds: Yes
New Textures: Yes
Bot Support: No

~Szico VII~
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