Whisper Enhanced

Box art for Whisper Enhanced For: World of Warcraft
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In Short
WhisperEnhanced(WE) sorts incoming and outgoing whispers in different windows(mIRC style). WE can also handle Party, Raid and BG chat.


1) The X in the WE window (v1.5+) will now hide the WE frame. You can close individual whispers by Right clicking the tab and selecting \'close\'.

About WE
I had been thinking about why the Whispers in WOW were so ineffective. And I had been looking for an addon,
that would do something about this, but i didn\'t find it anywhere. So about 1 month ago I decided to try and make one myself.


-It is kind of like mIRC. When someone whispers to you, or you whisper to someone a tab will appear with his/her name on it, above the WE window,
and that window will be dedicated to this conversation.

-When you press the tab on the window dedicated to this conversation it will be seen in the WE Frame.
If you press the tab again the WE Edit box will be seen. By typing in it, it will automatically whisper to the person in the current conversation.

-When someone new whispers to you, or you whisper to someone new, WE will sort the new conversation into another window and tab

-WE playes a simple sound whever someone new whispers to you

-Whenever someone whispers to you, or you whisper to them, there name will be put into a tab that controls the conversation.

-If you hold your mouse over the tab, the information will be shown about the person.

-If someone, which you already have a conversation with, whispers to you, and you don\'t have their window visible. Then their tab lights up.

-You can rightclick the tab to get a dropdown menu

-The tabs are scalable in the WE_Menu.

-You can set the opacity of the tabs in the WE_Menu


The \'TO\' and \'FROM\' witch are in the default whisper are removed, and replaced by standard chat phrases.

Old version:
From[Malldor]: What are you doing ?
To[Malldor]: Nothing much, you ??
From[Malldor]: Whisper Enhanced Rules :D

New Version:
[13:25][Malldor:62] What are you doing ?
[13:25][Caldara:67] Nothing much, you ??
[13:25][Malldor:62] Whisper Enhanced Rules :D

In the WE window it is possible to turn off these functions
- Timestamp: ex. [13:25][Nick] Chat text
- Class Colour: The Nick is coloured in its class colour
- Level: ex. [Nick:67] Chat text
- Chat Nick: ex. [Nick] text < -- TO -- > only Text

- There is an option to change the font size in the WE_Menu.

- It is possilble to send text messages up to 1020 sign trough WE. WE will split them in chunks of 255 signs

[Chat History]
Whenever you recive or send a Whisper message, WE will recorded it into a History file.
So when you close a conversation, and start it back at a later time, you will be able to see all the previus text

- The WE_History saves and dates the history for each conversation when you Log out/Quit or Reloade the UI

- It is Possible to reset the history file in the WE Menu

- It is possible to reset the history for the current person you are taking to by ctrl-clicking the TAB

- Histroy saves Item links, Timesamp, Nick Color and text Color

[Simple Chat Scanner]

There is a new scanner on the way.
Will make WE compatable with SpamSentry in v1.5

[Friend Button]
There is also a Friend button to the TOPLEFT of the WE frame. For easy whispers to friends

When pressed, it will show a list of online friends with status.
You can press a friend on the list and it will automatically show the WE Edit box and dedicates a conversation(Window and Tab) to them.

[The WE Menu]
In the WE menu it is possible to turn On/Off almost all the functions

WE has one binding.
When pressed it will Show the Edit Box (Like the enter key in the default chat),
and it will be ready to whisper to the current conversation.

If you select the \'Hide Default chat frame Whispers\' in the WE menu. It will override the default reply function
If you want the standard reply function deselct the \'Hide Default chat frame Whispers\' and hide the manualy

I\'ve added a small math function into WE.
Mostly for my own sake. Because i always find myself need a calculater ingame

If you want to contact me, then you can send a email to [email protected]
Or Contact me in game at Azjol-Nerub. My main is Caldara (Alliance)

I wanna thank:

Stefan From Berlin fro a lot of great ideas. And for all his help testing the mod, and feedback

Midgetmouse for some great ideas for making WE that much better

Thank you all

Known Errors and upcoming Fixes

If you select the \'Hide Default chat frame Whispers\' in the WE menu. It will override the default reply function
If you want the standard reply function deselct the \'Hide Default chat frame Whispers\' and hide the manualy
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