Yavin 4: Sunken Temple

Box art for Yavin 4: Sunken Temple For: Star Wars: Battlefront II
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Yavin 4: Sunken Temple is a rainy, urbany map from Astute.

Whoa. This map is awesome. I\'ve never really like the shipped Yavins, but this [i]far[/i] surpasses them. It\'s absolutly covered in ruins, being lego\'d together from the orginal maps\' assets, but on a much larger scale. There\'s not an inch that isn\'t filled with ruins, water, or cool effects. A lot of work was obviously put into the polish of this map- it\'s pouring rain with lightning and such, there are stairs everywhere leading to upper layers of the ruins, and rubble piles abound. The water is set at a height that gives a cool sense of \'sunkenness\'. It\'s not too deep for droidekas to drown in, but is high enough to lend to the atmospere of the map. No two parts are really alike, with plazas, a temple-y building, yards, all meshed together perfectly. Really, the job of sticking the ruins together is stupendous.

If you haven\'t already been convinced to download this map, here\'s another selling point: Yavin 4: Sunken Temple introduces a new game mode. \'Bombing Run\'. It runs like normal conquest, except you don\'t capture command posts to keep and spawn from. When you take one over, you get a message telling you to, basically, get out of there because it\'s gonna be blasted into oblivion. Indeed, a Y-wing/Tie Bomber does a flyby showering it with explosives, killing that command post. Whoever ends up with the last cp standing wins.

It uses the default side for the most part, and proves that you don\'t need completely redone ones to have a good map. The new units aren\'t [i]particularly[/i] exciting (the best, by far, is the Havoc Trooper), but keep unrealistic hordes of dark troopers and such off the field. There\'s not a single jedi or flying unit to be found anywhere- they \"were not feasible for this level\". Don\'t take that the wrong way- it actually kind of adds to the map, in a way. The AI can\'t really use flight well, so no loss there, and the lack of jedi gives it a more \'not l337 stuffz\' feel.

Honestly, I can\'t think of many ways it could be made better. I didn\'t notice any AI problems- in fact, I was suprised how well they were handled. They move within the map well- they use pretty much every concievable passage. Again, I didn\'t find the new units too exciting, but they don\'t take away in any way, shape, or form

Download this. Now.

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