z3r0xs FoC Addon

Box art for z3r0xs FoC Addon For: Empire at War
Size: 9.97 MB
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This Patch fixes a number of Bugs that Reared their head in V3.0 Full.

*****BUGS FROM 3.0 FULL************

Tooltip for "ferrets" type-o's and... blocks in it (FIXED)

Sovereign take about, 5 seconds to build, (FIXED) and two of the hardpoints on the sovereign, the ones between the tractor beam and hanger say [missing] (FIXED)

can't iniate a space battle at Mygeeto. Space battle load screen starts, loads to begin tab, click it and nothing (FIXED)

initiating land battle at Mygeeto (FIXED)
The "T3B Tanks" missing their icon. (FIXED)

AAT Icon missing and Text Missing (FIXED)

The Moldy Crow has no icon, no information, nothing during space battles (FIXED)

Novatroopers DONT drop mines (FIXED- Removed ability replaced with StimPack)

Missing Mygeeto on the Humble beginnings map (FIXED)

Shipwrights building issues with Starbases levels etc (FIXED)

VSD not buildable anywhere.. (FIXED)

Weird rebel tech errors with ships not being buildable after tech advancement. (FIXED)

Naboo Intimiadtion bugs (FIXED)

AAC description repeating (FIXED)

Golan radar Icon size (FIXED)

Saboteurs destroying Shipwrights and Golans for cheap (FIXED)

Mygeeto map troops cant move past first platform (FIXED)

CLoakshape pop value (FIXED)

K-Wing cannot move alone in GC; it doesn't appear to have 'hyperspace' capability (FIXED)

Procurator turn rate (FIXED)

Legacy Selection Ring Size (FIXED)

tyrant missile cruiser firing (FIXED)

TIE X1's squadron has TIE Avengers in it (FIXED)

Odd Colored Lancer skin (FIXED)

Some ships building on land only (FIXED)

******CHANGE LOG**********
ATRT tech from 1 to 2
Ferret Population Value from 3 to 1
Sacheen Population Value from 3 to 2
Thranta Population value from 3 to 2
Bulwark population value from 8 to 4
MC90 population value changed from 8 to 6
MC40 population value changed from 4 to 2
ALL projectile speeds increased..
GOLAN removed from Bonadan
Sabotage ability added for NovaTroopers and Bothanspies (NOTE: Can only Sabotage on corrupted worlds)
Prices increased for Sabotage for Golans, Shipwrights, Ion Cannon, Hypervelocity gun, mining facilities,
Officer Academys, Advanced Veh Factory, Magnepulse, listening post, and Imp Intel HQ.
AI Now builds Golans
New Shipyard structure in skirmish. Allows production of many ships.
Thranta Tech changed to Tech level 1 starbase changed to level 2
Changed Radar Icons for (Dominator,Venator,Legacy)
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