Top Dragon Age Origins Patches This Week

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These are the Dragon Age Origins patches that have been downloaded the most. Dragon Age Origins is a Role Playing game for PC, Playstation 3, Xbox 360. We have reset our counter from 2025-02-17 and these patches have been downloaded since then.

Dragon Age Origins is a pretty popular game for the PC, Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and patches are always good for it. You can even upload your Dragon Age Origins patches on LoneBullet and become a part of the community. The below patches are sorted by number of downloads this current week:

  1. Dragon Age: Origins v1.05 Patch This patch will update Dragon Age: Origins to version 1.05. General Fixes DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT ...
  2. Dragon Age: Origins v1.03 Patch - Various changes have been made to code and resources to support the Dragon Age: Origins - Awakeni...
  3. Dragon Age Origins v. 1.02a Retail Patch You do not need to download patches prior to Patch 1.02a. Downloading Patch 1.02a contains all previ...
  4. Dragon Age Origins Patch version 1.01b - Fixed potential corruption of character statistics - Fixed portrait appearance sliders when impor...
  5. Dragon Age Origins v1.02 Patch v1.02 Patch details: Balance * Daggers now apply 0.5 points of damage per additional point i...
  6. Dragon Age Patch v1.01a Fixed potential corruption of character statistics Fixed portrait appearance sliders when importing...
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