Top Super Power 2: Strategy and World Domination Patches This Week

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These are the Super Power 2: Strategy and World Domination patches that have been downloaded the most. Super Power 2: Strategy and World Domination is a Strategy game for PC. We have reset our counter from 2025-03-10 and these patches have been downloaded since then.

Super Power 2: Strategy and World Domination is a pretty popular game for the PC and patches are always good for it. You can even upload your Super Power 2: Strategy and World Domination patches on LoneBullet and become a part of the community. The below patches are sorted by number of downloads this current week:

  1. SuperPower 2 v1.1 Update Patch FIXED: Fixed window minimization to Taskbar after launching a new game Fixed a crash when press...
  2. SuperPower 2 v1.4 US Update Patch Here's the list of fixes for v1.4: Features : AI Aggressiveness slider added, making the AI m...
  3. SuperPower 2 Retail Patch v1.2 Patch v1.2 Notes: FIXED - Fixed: Thematic maps: Empire country, political control, human contr...
  4. SuperPower 2 v1.4 International Update Patch Here's the list of fixes for v1.4: Features : AI Aggressiveness slider added, making the AI m...
  5. SuperPower 2 International Patch v1.2b PATCH 1.2B (19 NOV 04) INTERNATIONAL (UK/GERMAN/SPANISH/ITALIAN) Patch v1.2b Notes: FIXED -...
  6. Super Power 2 v1.2b Patch Patch v1.2b Notes: FIXED Fixed : Billions of units appearing in combat. Fixed : Corrup...
  7. SuperPower 2 v1.3 International Update Patch Here's the list of fixes for v1.3: - Savegame now saves the training progress of units - Fixed d...
  8. SuperPower 2 v1.3 US Update Patch Here's the list of fixes for v1.3: - Savegame now saves the training progress of units - Fixed d...
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