Akula Class - TNG Refit

Box art for Akula Class - TNG Refit For: Star Trek: Armada 2
Size: 2.77 MB
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The Akula Class TNG/TLE refit is a quick kitbash of my
recently released Freedom class. This ship is not meant to
be an actualy refit of the Akula superstructure, more of a
ship that does tribute to the Akula, named Akula refit in honour
of the Akula we all knew and loved in the SFC series and KA.
Hope everyone enjoys!

I also included a new Freedom class odf, there were no bugs in
the previous one but I did make a mistake. I had the shield
target hardpoints under the hull target hardpoints! It's not a big
deal but I suppose if I made specific HP's for shields, might as well
use them for shields! Not really optional or required, but if you have
the Freedom already, you might aswell enjoy this!
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