Blue Scoundrel Clothes

Box art for Blue Scoundrel Clothes For: Knights of the Old Republic
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When I first played the original [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i] just a little over four years ago, I was surprised that my character didn’t start off as a Jedi. I thought it was a mistake. So I had a dilemma because I realized that I had three classes to choose from and wasn’t sure which one to choose. The thing that really helped me pick the scoundrel class was the fact that Leia referred to Han Solo as a scoundrel in [i]Empire Strikes Back[/i] and because that scene’s dialogue made me laugh, I decided to go with the scoundrel class.

Wolverinestabs is back with another skin to play with. This time it’s the jacket that comes with your character if you pick out the scoundrel class as a male character. Traditionally the jacket is red. The author went with a blue. Like with other skin attempts with this author, the blue on the jacket has no texture.

There is one thing you will get from the default clothing item that anybody can wear. By default, you get no bonuses wearing the default clothing item, while the author added bonuses of blaster bold deflection of +7, and defense bonus of +5, and add +10 to strength. If you’re not much of a fan of the new jacket, you can download this mod just for the new stats you get with the default clothing item if you have no modding skills, especially since not many modders actually focus on that item for enhancement. Enjoy the mod! :D

[b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.

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