Character Re-Skin Pack

Box art for Character Re-Skin Pack For: Knights of the Old Republic
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This is version two of the Character Reskin by Shem. Here's the [file="43833"]first one[/file] with screenshots of the Vandar, Malak, Saul Karath, Star Forge Robes, and Sith Robe reskins. This is the review of the first one:
[quote]If your getting tired of the default looks of some of your favourite (or not so favourite) characters I suggest you download this skin pack. Vandar now looks greener ( if he can get any greener lol), and the others now have a darker, more appeling look about them. Check out the screens and judge for yourself.

JediKilla[/quote]This version adds sith eyes to the sith. Personally, I don't really understand the fascination with sith eyes, but it's there if you like them. For some of these skins, I didn't really notice much of a difference from the originals. Some are very different, like the new skins for Yuthara, Uther, Jorak, Bandon, and Vandar look different and the first two are well-done, though I didn't really see much of a differnce of the new Malak, and Saul Karath. And personally I think he went a bit overboard with the black on the sith as now it's really difficult to see the details of the fabric. I think the problem is is that he tried to do too many reskins and so none of them have many details on them. Try not doing so much in the future. ;) Anyway, good work and I hope to see more from you! :)

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