After a long time i returned with my Doom 3 tweaker. I found a major bug months ago, which didn't let the tweaker run on some systems, but this is now fixed.
With this tweaker you can manage a lot of doom 3 settings (there are far more settings than in the game menu), and save those settings into a config file! The TweakerCreator framework allows you to save presets, import config files, download new language files, translate the tweaker with the included language editor, etc...
The settings:
# Graphics:
The title says everything. Not just resolution, but AA, AF, muzzle flash, particles, blood effects, light multiplier and many other settings!
# Sound options:
Occlusion, EAX, OPENAL, Speaker System, Reverse audio channels, and many other settings
# Game options:
Gravity, gun position (X,Y,Z), Movement/Run speed, Third person view, Time scale, enable nightmare difficulty level, etc.
# Network settings (helps to improve your pings!):
Allow downloads, max rate, prediction, Number of sending move commands
# And many other settings!
1 - Minimum Quality.prs If you want to get the MAXIMUM FPS possible in Doom 3, use this preset. It's useful if you're playing on a very old machine. Note: some textures, texts will become unreadable.
2 - Low Quality.prs Using this preset gives you more FPS. The different between the Minimum Quality preset and this preset, is that the Gun is shown in your hand, and the texture quality is slightly better.
3 - Maximum Quality.prs Use this preset if you want to boost doom3's graphics, and audio to the highest level. Note: if your sound card supports OpenAL, and EAX 4.0, don't forget to enable them also.
Set everything to default.prs This preset sets every setting to it's default value.
Doom 2 style.prs This preset gives Doom 1-2 like gameplay. It will incrase the running and walking speed, speed up the time by 10%, and incrase the brightness. The gun will be showed in the middle also.